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Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 01-11-2007 04:58 PM

Mark..You asked me to post an
Mark..You asked me to post an arrangement some time agao, well, I hadn't forgotten so here it is..this was and still is played regularly by a 10 piece seniors accordion band so a tango is most appropriate, this one is called...'Tango of the Roses'...

<center><table border=1><tr><td> of the Roses
tango of the rose.not (144.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Mark Walsen (markwa) 01-11-2007 07:20 PM

Hello Derek, Your accordion
Hello Derek,

Your accordion band must have a lot of fun playing this tango! Nice arrangement. I don't recall ever hearing an accordian band. 10 players? That must be a lot of sound!

-- Mark

Mark Walsen (markwa) 01-12-2007 04:44 PM

Hello Alek, Please, please
Hello Alek,

Please, please read the guidelines for posts in this Share Your Music section of the forum:

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

We should all be sensitive about each other's passion for the music we create. If you would like to show you music to others, but do not want to invite critique, then please say so in your post. We recommend that you critique the music of others only when invited to do so. That said, you are encouraged to learn from your fellow musicians by inviting their responses to your music, and similarly to share you music composing and arranging skills with others. In doing so, it's important to keep in mind that there are huge differences in music styles, each which emphasizes different composition and arranging techniques.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>The above post of yours to Derek is clearly not in the spirit of this forum.

I am leaving your post here in the forum, rather than deleting it, only to serve as an example of the kinds of posts I do not want to see in this Share Your Music section of the forum.

Offering you the benefit of doubt, I suppose that perhaps the wording of your post was just unfortunate. However, there's a very easy way for you to edit your own posts before you send them: Imagine that you are the person receiving, not sending, the post. How would you feel about receiving this post? Would it make you happy? Would it encourage you to share your music with others? Would it encourage you to make more music? I think that if you ask yourself these questions honestly, you will find that it would be a quite unpleasant experience for you to receive this post from another forum participant.

No other forum participants needs respond to my post here, as I will not let this escalate.


Mark Walsen (markwa) 01-12-2007 04:55 PM

Dear Derek, Please except m
Dear Derek,

Please except my sincere apology for Alex's very rude post. In the several years of this forum, there was only one other post I recall that was so uncalled for.

I feel that I let you down by strongly encouraging you to share your music, and then for you to witness such a rude response as Alex's.

Please do not let Alex's rude comments discourage you. I much admire you dedication to sharing your musical interests and creativity with other senior accordian players. You have the right spirit about music. It's not about one-upping some other musicians. It's not about glorying yourself. It's about sharing an art that touches our souls, with music's dimension of time, that brings up memories from our lives.

Sherry, are you listening? (Of course you are.) Please do this: Run Derek's Tango through some good GPO accordian sounds. Spend some time making it sound good, like what Derek's group of 10 accordian players sound like after they've practiced the Tango a good bit. Then post the GPO .mp3 version of Derek's Tango here so that we can appreciate what he's hearing in his own head, and with his accordian group, rather than hearing GM grand piano.

Derek, please let me know if you'd like me to delete Alex's post. If so, you can send your request privately to I might delete it anyway if other forum participants privately express some outrage to me.

And, Derek, I hope you will not be discouraged from sharing more of your music with us. I will exercise my right to censor such misbehavior as you've seen here.

-- Mark

Sherry Crann (sherry) 01-12-2007 05:04 PM

Howdy folks, Yes, I'm l
Howdy folks,

Yes, I'm listening - to Derek's piece, with the instrument set to "tango accordion" Sweet! I'll make a recording of it with a nice soundfont that I have, and post it forthwith.


Fred Winterling (harbor1) 01-12-2007 05:50 PM

Hi Derek, Your piece really
Hi Derek,

Your piece really brings back some memories. When I started clarinet lessons in 1947 ( age 9 ), I studied at a school called "Dvorak's Method Of Musical Instruction" in Baltimore. The one thing that I remember so vividly is that they had an accordian band and they played or practiced on the same day as my lesson in another room. I don't know how many pieces there were, but there were as many as you could fit in a 10' X 12' room on folding chairs. That was the only time I remember hearing that many accordians at the same time. I can't wait to hear Sherry's MP3 with the nice accordian soundfont. Keep posting your music here. I would enjoy hearing some more. Nice job!


Mark Walsen (markwa) 01-12-2007 07:01 PM

Hello Kombrig, Given that y
Hello Kombrig,

Given that you would have gladly received the sort of unsolicited criticism that you offered Derek, you should therefore ignore my advice about what is commonly called "put yourself in the other guy's shoes."

Instead, I urge you to respect that in this forum most other forum participants are likely to be more sensitive than you would be to criticism of their music. For now, until you've learned to do that, please adhere to the general forum guideline to please not offer negative criticism (even if constructive criticism, in your opinion) unless the individual sharing his or her music has indicated some willingness to accept constructive criticism. Ok?

-- Mark

Sherry Crann (sherry) 01-12-2007 07:20 PM

Howdy folks, Here's a &
Howdy folks,

Here's a "first pass" recording of Derek's "Tango of the Roses." First, a couple of notes.

Derek wrote this particular piece years ago for his accordion band, using another notation program. He wanted folk here to be able to hear it (his first post of his music), so he saved the file as a .mid from the original software, which is why it looks as it does. The file you see here is not cleaned up, as he would if he were composing in Composer (the original did indeed have multiple staves).

Saving as a .mid file in most other apps results in all the note performances being "quantized", which means that a quarter note that has a staccato mark will only be saved as a quarter note, not with that staccato performance. (Happily for users here, Composer does "interpret" staccato marks, and will alter the performance when you've added them in during your composition, as well as save that performance in your .not or .mid files.)

Also, the other application did not have an "accordion" instrument, so it was saved as "grand piano." All you need to do when listening to the .not is to change the instrument to an accordion instrument, and there you have it!

His Senior's accordion band has been performing his compositions for years, and Derek may not mention it out of modesty, but his compositions have won some competitions

Now, on to what I did here.

1. I opened Derek's .not file,
2. used the Staff "select" button to select the staff,
3. used "Region/Convert region to selection of notes",
4. used "D + left arrow key" once to shorten the note durations just a touch,
5. set my Chaos "tango accordion" as the instrument, then
6. used Audacity to record the performance and save it as an mp3.

oops - I'll have to include the file in the next post.


Alek Yasko (kombrig) 01-12-2007 07:27 PM



At the same time, I'm begging all the folks: give me a NEGATIVE CONSTRUCTIVE criticism about every pieces I've ever uploaded in this forum! I am not afraid of that!

By the way, it would be easy, because I published more creations than anybody else here.

Be happy.

Mark Walsen (markwa) 01-12-2007 08:33 PM

Hello Derek and All, Here i
Hello Derek and All,

Here is the MP3 file for your Tango, that Sherry prepared but needed me to upload because it's larger than the forum's maximum file attachment size.

I'm listening to it now as I write and upload the file. This is really a kick, to hear real sampled accordians playing your Tango, Derek. Your piece shows off well when played by real (well, almost real) accordians!

-- Mark<center><table border=1><tr><td> of the Rose.mp3
Tango of the Rose.mp3 (5107.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Fred Winterling (harbor1) 01-12-2007 09:10 PM

HI Mark, That file is being
HI Mark,

That file is being downloaded as .unk file. Windows can not read it.


Fred Winterling (harbor1) 01-12-2007 09:31 PM

Sorry Mark, It works if you
Sorry Mark,

It works if you rename the file with .mp3 extension.....duh!



Sherry Crann (sherry) 01-12-2007 09:37 PM

Howdy Fred, I just noticed
Howdy Fred,

I just noticed that as well. All you have to do is rename the extension to .mp3.

To do this, find the downloaded file using Windows "Start/Explore" (it should be in whatever folder you specified for download), click the filename to select it, then click it again (allow a pause so it's not a double-click). This will allow you to edit the name, which you should change to "Tango of the Rose.mp3" Although this rose by any other name would sound as sweet ;)


Lee Eschen (leeschen) 01-12-2007 10:31 PM

What a delightful piece Derek
What a delightful piece Derek has composed in "Tango of the Roses". I am enjoying it over and over as write this post.

I haven't been very active on the forum recently, but I hope to eventually make some more time for music in my life (other than as just background to daily living) but for now, working and health concerns have priority.

Regards to all,

Lee Eschen
PS: I don't know if Mark (or Sherry) has any control over the spell-check dictionary, but if so, you might want to add tango to the list (and maybe my last name as well). ;<)

Lee Eschen (leeschen) 01-12-2007 11:03 PM

I have been playing a bit with
I have been playing a bit with Derek's "Tango of the Roses" and have hit upon a wonderful thing. I did do a split hands on the original, so that I could also have a reasonable chance of playing the piece on my keyboard, but the main idea was to try other instrument sounds.

Now I currently have only GM sounds, quite good GM sounds, to be sure, but still only GM. When I played the piece in marimba, I was enchanted. If you like more vibe in your music, you could try vibraphone as well, but I prefer the marimba sound. I even played with some of the various organ sounds with quite interesting results.

Derek, this is really a beautiful work. Thank you!

Lee Eschen

Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 01-13-2007 12:01 AM

Hello Everyone...Thank you all
Hello Everyone...Thank you all for the feedback I got for the Tango.First thing I must state is that this is NOT my composition, I arranged it for a seniors accordion band, it was used in a competition successfully and the adjudicator made some very kind comments about it. And now to answer Alek (Kombrig).Thank You for taking the trouble to give an in depth analysis of my work and though the wording of your reply may be unfortunate I feel sure that you did not deliberately set out to be unkind and so my friend I accept your comments in the spirit in which they were given and now I will answer the questions you posed.#1 The file looked weird because it came from a different programme and as I do not yet know how to operate Notation I could not change it. #2 Same reason as above I only could give notation a file as an O type midi and that was the result.#3Again as above, I have no idea yet as to how to install the proper instrumentation as I am brand new to the programme, but I assure you...I will learn. #4 Yes I do know the Tango style and were I writing for professional accordionists all the things you stated would have been there, as regards to a DRY SOUND that is a personal thing, the only DRY SOUND accordionists I have ever met play either classical music or jazz for which it is highly suited. If you look at what I wrote before I did state that I wrote for a group of SENIORS, their ages range from the early sixties to 83. Myself I am leaning on 80 but I do have the advantage of being a musician all my life whereas my friends in the band did not even start until they were well into their sixties, therefore their reading skills are not too good, they have problems reading rests and counting bars of rests, their technique does not allow them to play at a very high speed but they do the best they can, I just write the notes and tell them where to play them as staccato, what we do may not be as you would but I can assure you it is successful as we have won at least one competition every year for the last twelve years, later on I will post other arrangements and perhaps some of my own compositions, and , when I have learned how to use Notation perhaps they will sound as they should sound and meet with your approval...I have no hard feelings toward you Alek so please do not be afraid to post your comments to me in the future I realize you have a language difficulty but I'm sure you mean well...Thanks again to everyone I do enjoy feeling that I am part of a very nice group.....All the Best to you....TTYL...Derek.

Mark Walsen (markwa) 01-13-2007 01:31 AM

Hello Kombrig, Derek's
Hello Kombrig,

Derek's reply to you shows me that I messed up as a forum moderator, as Derek was not offended by your critique. Please accept my apology for my over-reaction to your post.

I'm pleased to see that you have chosen to remain active in the forum, or should I say very active, given all of the MIDI files of your compositions that you have submitted to the forum today in so many style categories!

I see now that I should have talked with you about this privately rather than used the strong words I did publicly in this forum.

I strongly believe it's important that our criticisms of each other's music be friendly and constructive in this Share Your Music section. My mistake was that I incorrectly perceived your criticism to be unfriendly and destructive. It's clear from Derek's reply to you that I made a mistake in this perception. And even if a post in this forum is made in a poor and unfriendly spirit, I should discuss the issue privately, not in the forum. I hope I will have learned my lesson.

Again, please accept my apology.


M G Jacobs (mgj32) 01-13-2007 06:52 AM

Hi Derek, I downloaded Tang
Hi Derek,

I downloaded Tango of the Rose quite early yesterday morning. Since it was an accordion piece, I split the hands and tried it with a preset called an "Italian Accordion," whose source I don't recall. It had an engaging, pretty lush and romantic sound. Later in the day I downloaded the mp3 version, in which Mark restored the staccato which had got lost in transporting the arrangement between programs. This has a lighter, carefree quality. So I got two quite distinct performance sounds, both highly enjoyable, though I guess Mark's is more as you intended it.

Other than the piano, which my mother played, the accordion is one of the first instruments--perhaps the first--that I heard live. An acquaintance of my parents, some 60 years ago, played the instrument "by ear," as they used to say. I don't remember if it was at parties or church functions, but I can still see him taking it out of its case, warming up a bit, then playing quite a range of musical styles. I have, ever since, enjoyed the sound, and have thought about trying to write something for it.

I look forward to hearing other arrangements and your own compositions.

all best,

Alek Yasko (kombrig) 01-13-2007 11:30 PM

How are you, Derek! You hav
How are you, Derek!

You have know idea, how am I glad to read your post!

You wrote:
...this is NOT my composition, I arranged it for a seniors accordion band...
I knew that. Being a member of the Bay Area Accordion Club, I've heard "Tango of the Roses" there. And then a couple of years after, I've got the chance to hear it again at Cotati Accordion Festival, which is occurs annually at the last weekend of August in Bay Area.

And also I knew you're going to say this:
I have no hard feelings toward you Alek so please do not be afraid to post your comments to me in the future...
The REAL professional musician cannot be abused by my words, unless... he is selfish, ambitious jerk! I was trying to be as forthcoming as I can be...
Actually, all of your explanations understood. I could blame the administration of the site, which was allowed to publish unprepared, "raw" file, but I won't. Because I've learned my lesson: "Be politically correct. Do not say the truth!"
Unfortunately, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, or whatever you're call it, is a pandemic disease now. Especially in the United States...

If you look at what I wrote before I did state that I wrote for a group of SENIORS...
Tell me, please, Derek, where I can see your arrangements and compositions? Could you give me some links, my friend, or midi's?

I wish you many new Victories on accordion competition with your ensemble. And I authorized you to use FREE any of my arrangements you can find here, on "Accordion" page. And more than that: I'm going to help you to arrange it to the band!

God bless you, Derek Sanders.

Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 01-16-2007 03:58 AM

Hello Again to everyone, I can
Hello Again to everyone, I can now address the other comments I had on the Tango,to MGJ32 I must say keep going and do try to write for the accordion, I'd love to hear your work and play it too, I too have heard the mp3 and it sounded great, I'd love to hear what you did with it too.And now Lee, you certainly had a great go at it, I can well imagine how it sounds with a marimba, lovely, I shall soon be posting a piece which lends itself to that instrument. You mention GM sounds, I'm afraid this dummy doesn't know what that means.I'd love to hear that marimba!.Fred, you and I have things in common, I too started on clarinet in 1947,I had just transferred from being a gunner/op in a tank to the Regimental band which had just reformed after the war.In 1950 I spent a year at the Royal Military School of Music Kneller Hall London.When I left the army in 1957 I didn't touch the clarinet for many years so I am afraid my skills on that instrument are greatly diminished, however, my Brother who was with me in the band still is a terrific clarinettist and one of his students plays in a Symphony orchestra and visits him from time to time and they play duets, he says he has a heck of a time keeping up with her. I recently did a duet for them on the "Clarinet Polka", as you know there are umpteen arrangements of that piece out there but he couldn't find a duet of it that was up to much so I did one for him. I also composed a duet for him and also composed a new Polka for him which he is working on now, we just about have it all refined now and I have just sent him what I hope will be the final score. And now Alek, it's nice to belong to a club which is exclusive for accordions. I am a founder member of the "Edmonton Accordion Society" we have about 150 members and meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month and believe me we have a ball. We have some great players and some beginners and lots in between, it is a very supportive club and we encourage everyone to get up and perform, and they do, then we all jam together for the last half hour. We also have a club band of 28 accordions and I have done quite a few arrangements for them, fairly simple stuff but fun. You might try one out on your club members sometime. Well that's it for today, In my next posting I will put another arrangement that I did last year.
Take care everyone and have a good one.....TTYL....Derek.

Fred Winterling (harbor1) 01-16-2007 01:59 PM

Hi Derek, Wow! We do have a l
Hi Derek,
Wow! We do have a lot in common.

Actually, the Clarinet was my main instrument for the first 8 years. I then switched to tenor sax.

quote: recently did a duet for them on the "Clarinet Polka", as you know there are umpteen arrangements of that piece out there but he couldn't find a duet of it that was up to much so I did one for him.

I also did an arrangement of Clarinet Polka recently. Just for fun. I am more into jazz, but wanted to see if I could arrange a Polka. I played that piece at a lot of weddings.

You can go to the following thread to listen to my arrangement. It's not a duet, just one of the many arrangements you mentioned.


Fred Winterling (harbor1) 01-16-2007 02:08 PM

Hi Derek, Sorry! I don'
Hi Derek,

Sorry! I don't think the above thread is correct. Here is the midi file.

Fred<center><table border=1><tr><td>
clarinetpolka.mid (33.1 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 01-16-2007 02:32 PM

Hi Fred..What a nice bright ar
Hi Fred..What a nice bright arrangement,I wish I could have got mine into an oompa band but I have had to be content leaving it as a piano piece, I cannot get the instruments on my music programme nor can I control the tempos or the volume balance required between instruments, so some of my postings will sound a bit off that way, but, you can correct that with your programme as will I when I am fully conversant with Notation Composer.I am attaching my duet arrangement for you, perhaps you can take out one part and play along with it as a duet, it will be fun, I like doing that myself.
Have a Good one...TTYL...Derek.
By the way, you will notice that I have added the second part which is in G which curiously enough seems to be always missing on all the North American editions that I have come across, my version is the Austrian one which is where the piece originated and I bought it in Germany in 1953, it came with all the orchestra parts and I used to play it with our regimental band, when I left I donated a great deal of my clarinet music to them.<center><table border=1><tr><td> Polka Duet Arrangement
The Clarinet version.mid (21.3 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Fred Winterling (harbor1) 01-18-2007 12:44 AM

Hi Derek, Wow, that was fun
Hi Derek,

Wow, that was fun!! I just downloaded your version. ( I was just toying with it and changed the piano right hand to clarinet, and took some of the bottom notes in the left hand and made a tuba part. I like the harmonies. It would be really simple to arrange it as an Oompa band arrangement. It would take quite a bit of editing, but it would be a blast.

quote: "perhaps you can take out one part and play along with it as a duet, it will be fun, I like doing that myself."

That would be fun, but I can't play the clarinet ( or sax ) anymore. That is why I had to switch to piano.

quote: "By the way, you will notice that I have added the second part which is in G which curiously enough seems to be always missing on all the North American editions that I have come across, my version is the Austrian one which is where the piece originated and I bought it in Germany in 1953"

That 2nd part ( beginning at measure #35 ) is fantastic. It belongs there. What idiot decided to remove it?? I never heard that part before. It fits so perfectly. I can't understand why it was left out. Would you give me permission to steal it and incorporate it into mine? It would make my arrangement much better.

Thanks for uploading your arrangement. I really enjoyed it!


Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 01-18-2007 01:24 AM

HI Fred, I am so glad that you
HI Fred, I am so glad that you like the arrangement, I am putting all my postings as midi files, that way everyone can hear what they sound like before they open them in Notation.I'm doing this because I know that they will look nothing like the original until I am fully conversant with the programme and can post a comprehensible score.
However,anyone can take the posting and do what they like with it, I hope it will provide lots of fun for anyone who does it.Yes, you may also use the duet any way you wish, in fact I will go one step further and offer you any or all the parts in separate PDF files, this way you know you are getting the genuine original parts from my score. You will be able to print them and play them but if you want to alter them you'd have to put them into your Notation programme and do whatever you wish that way.This offer applies to anyone using this forum and to any of my present or future postings, just give me your comments and ask for what you wish.I look forward to discussing all forms of music with all of you in the future, there is so much out there to teach and learn from and I always love learning new ideas, shortcuts, tricks...whatever, as long as it helps improve me musically I'm all eyes and ears.
Alek..Does your accordion club have a band?? or a group that likes to play together?? some of my postings would be a help and I'm sure they would enjoy playing them. The duet that I posted for Fred makes an ideal accordion duet, I am currently working on it with our band leader.By the way I really like that little French waltz you posted(Le 'Indifference)?? I would like to use that......
That's it for today everyone...Have a Good one...TTYL...Derek.

Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 01-18-2007 02:36 AM

Hello Again Fred, Have a look
Hello Again Fred, Have a look at these PDF files and let me know what you think of the idea..... I didn't put a piano file in because you already have an adequate one.....Derek.<center><table border=1><tr><td> &amp; 2nd parts for duet.
PrintMusic! 2002 - [The Clarinet Polka with clarinets -1.pdf (81.1 k)</td></tr></table></center><center><table border=1><tr><td> Clarinet
PrintMusic! 2002 - [The Clarinet Polka with clarinets -2.pdf (79.2 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Fred Winterling (harbor1) 01-18-2007 03:36 AM

Hi Derek, I just did a quic
Hi Derek,

I just did a quick scan of the files ( it's my beauty sleep time ) and, with few exceptions, it looks like what you already have for the right hand piano. It would be pretty quick to split that staff and make 1st &amp; 2nd clarinet staves from that. It would be faster than entering all the notes from scratch from the pdf files. It's looking like I will have to do a good bit of running back and forth between Baltimore &amp; Norfolk over the next few months. Hopefully, I'll get some time to work with it more in between trips. Thanks again for the files.

Best Wishes,

Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 01-18-2007 03:25 PM

Hello Everyone...Thursday morn
Hello Everyone...Thursday morning and I have a complete day off..Wow! what better than to start the day with a is a little French waltz called 'Annette', I acquired this piece several years ago from an accordionist I heard playing it. He gave me the melody line with the chord symbols, it was a bit dilapitated but usable, but along with other things it got relegated to the piles of unused music hanging around my room. Last year our group had need of a short 'throwaway' number as a fill-in and I somehow thought of 'Annette', so I dug it out and arranged it. This arrangement has four parts but could be used as a nice little duet for any instruments, I have used it as a duet for two accordions and it is nice. Anyway, here is 'Annette'...I hope you like it....P.S. My wife wants to go shopping...Goodbye day off!!!!
Have a Good one.....TTYL.....Derek.<center><table border=1><tr><td>"Annette"
Annette ...Conductor's Score.MID (8.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Alek Yasko (kombrig) 01-18-2007 08:53 PM

Hi, Derek! I'm no longe
Hi, Derek!

I'm no longer a member of any accordion club. But I have been 1998 - 2001, when I lived in San Francisco. Then I bought some property at the East Bay and it's become too complicated to drive 40 min one way, crossing the bridge, and such a stuff.

However, we had an ensembles, duets, trios senior, junior - full palette of activity. I am personally played solo - always!

I really like that little French waltz you posted(Le 'Indifference)?? I would like to use that...
Absolutely! Be my guest, Derek. Do you know, the most famous performer of this waltz-musette was Richard Galliano?

Where I can find of your previously published music?

Be happy.

Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 01-19-2007 02:02 AM

Hi Alek (Kombrig) Than
Hi Alek (Kombrig) Thank you for your reply, I shall certainly use the lovely French Waltz It seems that I shall indeed be in exalted company,I haven't heard the name Galliano in a long time.
I have to tell you that I have had no music published, years ago I accepted commissions to write music for special occasions but after I performed them I gave the hand written copies to those who engaged me to write them and never bothered with them afterward. My Mother used to urge me to save everything but I never bothered.I quit writing many years ago and didn't do anything until about five or six years ago when I did something for a friend and then I started arranging for our Seniors band and I also wrote several smaller pieces, I had all my arrangements and writings on my computer and like an idiot I didn't back anything up,then one day some low life hacker decided to attack me, I had to have my computer rebuilt and when it came back the hard drive was wiped clean so now all I have is what I have done since that lousy day.
However, you are welcome to what I have, I posted a neat little French waltz today, and over the next few days I shall be posting some more, you didn't mention today's offering, did you see it?? so what do you think?? is it the kind of thing you would wish to keep??
Give me some feedback on what you do or do not like and I will try to accommodate you.
That's it for now so .....Have a Good one....TTYL..Derek.

Alek Yasko (kombrig) 01-19-2007 11:32 PM

Hi, Derek! Seems to be you
Hi, Derek!

Seems to be you are true 'easy rider', Derek! You've lost almost all of your job, lad... You're did't worry about a thing?
I'm terribly sorry to hear that.

However, I can revive any music I've ever played at no time. The question is: to bring it to the paper or to the screen of the monitor. That'll take some time... Well, I believe you don't have another choice, but start to recover all of your pieces again.
MNC software is going to help you. I've opened the new section "Waltz" for you, Derek on this page. You can now upload your waltzes there. And it will live forever. I don't have of any objections, if you upload your files to the certain sections of an 'Accordion' page, either.

If you want to hear how am I sounds in live and see my pictures, you can go to:
I hope you shall like it.

At the same time I must tell you, Derek, I am not a traditional accordionist as you might think. I'm looking for and find out my special ways in the music.

Derek wrote:
...I posted a neat little French waltz today, and over the next few days I shall be posting some more...
Where is it?

Be happy.

Alek Yasko (kombrig) 01-19-2007 11:46 PM

Hi, Mark! Don't you wor
Hi, Mark!

Don't you worry about a thing, Mr. 'forum moderator'! You're forgiven.

If you think you pressed me hard lately, don't... That was nothing, if compare on what I went through in the past... Obviously you over-reacted on my message, but I've been confused by odd-looking file and a 'sticky' sound of Derek's tango. So, I have an excuse...

What was really surprised me - the fact that nobody says a single word about 'Drops of Champagne': nothing, nada... Just a grave silence! I do not expect any of 'bogus compliments' but say something, guys!
I know its sounds awesome: a Professional Argentinean Tango Dancer told me so when I played this piece on some party a few years ago.
He asked: "This is one of the most beautiful tangos I've ever heard! Who's the author?"
I said: "The Russian composer Oscar Strock."
"Never heard of him!" - he replied.
"Well, you do now!" I said.

Let me tell you, Mark, how I see a discussion club on 'SHARE YOUR MUSIC' page.
We're all have a great opportunity to participate for a 'creative process' because everybody has MNC software.
It's got to be a 'MUSIC KITCHEN'. Meaning, the author placed his half-prepared project on the page. Then, someone tells him: "It's sounds well, but measures from 33 to 48 I would arrange like this..."
Or, "You're missed something, pal. Looky here..."
All this possible because we can edit any specific part of the author piece, arrange it by a different way and show to author the result.
However, you have to put aside your own ambitions and be willing to accept changes. Otherwise you can say: "This is the ULTIMATE arrangement and I'm not going to change a single note!"

Be happy.

Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 01-20-2007 05:31 PM

Kombrig...I wrote a p[osting f
Kombrig...I wrote a p[osting for you in the waltz section that you opened for me but it will not accept it... It says I was in error so I am just going to upload the waltz here until i can find out what went wrong...Derek.<center><table border=1><tr><td>"Annette"
Annette.not (94.3 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 01-21-2007 02:58 AM

Hi Kombrig......I see that the
Hi Kombrig......I see that the Waltz thread that you opened has screwed up again. I hope that Mark or Sherry is watching this, I am now going to try to get this posting to you in TANGO as it seems to be the only thing that works for me. If this fails then that's it. Sorry my Friend but it looks like your long posting from me is going to remain on my desktop until something comes up that lets me plant it correctly in Notation Composer...Here we go again for a final trial.....TTYL.....Derek.<center><table border=1><tr><td> Part 1.
Kombrig Part !..txt (0.8 k)</td></tr></table></center><center><table border=1><tr><td> Part 2.
Kombrig Part 2..txt (1.2 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 01-21-2007 03:00 AM

I am sorry Kombrig but it has
I am sorry Kombrig but it has done it again so that's that TTYL..Derek.

Alek Yasko (kombrig) 01-22-2007 07:46 AM

Hi, Derek! See the "Wal
Hi, Derek!

See the "Waltz" thread. The answer is there.

Be happy.

Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 02-07-2007 03:45 PM

Good Morning Everyone...Well I
Good Morning Everyone...Well I got over the pneumonia and am almost back to normal, this posting is mainly for you Kombrig, I mentioned my favourite tangos a while back...La Cumparsita... and...Ole Guapa. You said you had never heard of them, well here they are, I'm sure they would be a great addition to your vast repertoire. I went through a lot of midi files looking for these, they are the best I could find unless I wanted to pay a lot for professional files. I do have much better arrangements played by orchestras on vinyl and on CD's but I have no idea how I can get them into this forum. Anyway, if you can use them..Great, if not just enjoy listening to them.

Have a Good one.....TTYL....Derek.

Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 02-07-2007 03:51 PM

Well! Well!...The system refus
Well! Well!...The system refused to upload the files in the above posting so let's try again in a new one.............

No luck again...So what has gone wrong Mark? or Sherry????..Derek.

Sherry Crann (sherry) 02-07-2007 04:50 PM

Howdy Derek, What kind of e
Howdy Derek,

What kind of error message do you get when you are not successful at uploading the file? And what browser are you using (Internet Explorer 6 or 7, Firefox, Composer's internal browser, etc.)? Also, how big is the file that you're trying to post. There is a 500kb limit to files that can be posted.


Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 02-07-2007 11:00 PM

let's try again..with the
let's try again..with the La Cumparsita .NOT file this one is 468Kb<center><table border=1><tr><td> Cumparsita
TangoLaCumparsita final.not (477.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Derek Sanders (derek_sanders) 02-07-2007 11:05 PM

Now let's try Ole Guapa th
Now let's try Ole Guapa this one is 868Kb's..much too big so I will now post the midi files of both of them and you can open Ole Guapa in Composer and sort it out that way.<center><table border=1><tr><td> Cumparsita
TangoLaCumparsita final.mid (35.5 k)</td></tr></table></center><center><table border=1><tr><td> Guapa
send Ole guapa final..acc'n.mid (82.7 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Alek Yasko (kombrig) 02-08-2007 07:39 PM

How are you, Derek! As I c
How are you, Derek!

As I can see you're fully recovered after the pneumonia?
The confirmation of this recovery is two beautiful tangos you've posted. I am totally admired by them!
That's is true natural tangos, greatly arranged!

I think, I have to open a new thread 'Tango 2', because a lot of discussions has been proceeded in this very thread and it's kinda difficult to find a such of brilliant.

Be happy.

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