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dj 09-23-2012 02:26 PM

A bit of boogie-woogie
1 Attachment(s)
Hi, all:

It's been quite a while since I've posted any music, so I thought I'd up the tempo a bit.

Here's a piece from my musical revue MapleLeaf Up/MapleLeaf Down, which is about Canada's role in the Second World War. It's inspired by a real life woman, Veronica Foster, who was voted the "Bren Gun Girl of 1942". Veronica worked in the Inglis factory in Toronto making Bren guns (the Commonwealth squad automatic weapon during WW2) and did PR work at night, dancing with the servicemen. Hence "The Bren Gun Boogie".

There's a new production of the show coming up in November and I've been doing some re-working of the score with the producing group. This number has been expanded a bit.

My sister was the pianist for the original production of the show and created part of the arrangement, therefore she gets composition credit, too.

Do, please, play it while viewing the Conductor's Score part. I think it shows off Composer nicely.

And enjoy. It's infectious.


Sherry C 09-26-2012 03:44 AM

Re: A bit of boogie-woogie
Hi David,

I just finished listening to this after coming home from practice with the big band - it could have fit right in! It is indeed infectious, but your cast must have some great talent to pull off all the syllables (and some of the licks, too) - that's a lot of words in some spots :)

One small item - the drums are not on channel 10, and will probably need to be changed when others are listening in order for the file to sound right.

Cool - wish I were closer to you so I could hear the production!


dj 09-26-2012 12:43 PM

Re: A bit of boogie-woogie
Hi, Sherry:

Thanks for pointing out about the drum channel. Never even noticed that. My Yamaha DGX500 will play back the drum sets on any channel.

Yeah, lots of words in this song, but I tend to write them like that. The original version of the show was done with four performers and a pianist -- we really had to work to sing, dance and breathe all at the same time!


mgj32 09-27-2012 06:26 AM

Re: A bit of boogie-woogie
Hi David,
I have a number of albums of WWII music. "BG Boogie" would fit very nicely on any of them. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would love to hear it performed. Any chance of making a recording and posting it, or a link to it, as an mp3?
all best,

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