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Accidentals With Grace Notes
Hi, ya'll -
I noticed Sherry's post about changing dotted notes from slurs to having a dot. The solution is in a video with MP4 format. I tried 3 different programs to play this (most notably Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer) but they will not work. (As Sherry knows) I have a fairly new Vista computer with an i7 chipset. I think that the computer should probably have the drivers to play this, but it won't play. So I still don't know how to make the change.

Anyway, a new question. Since the closest think I have found to making a proper appogiatura is a grace note without a slash, I was wondering how to add accidentals associated with the grace note? There are no options with the grace note tab to select accidentals, and when you go to the Notes tab (where the accidental selections are located) it will not add it to the grace note, just the main note (where it doesn't belong). Also, when selecting the Grace Note tab at the very top, the Pitch doesn't change the note (when it is pressed), and when Accidental is selected, everything is greyed out, so no selection can be make.

Frank 01-28-2010 07:53 PM

Re: Accidentals With Grace Notes
So, from Mark's comment on a previous post about this, I guess we shall wait for 2.6 come out (shortly?????)

Sherry C 01-28-2010 09:26 PM

Re: Accidentals With Grace Notes
Howdy Frank,


I noticed Sherry's post about changing dotted notes from slurs to having a dot. The solution is in a video with MP4 format. I tried 3 different programs to play this (most notably Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer) but they will not work.
I'm using WMP 12 (it came on my new computer, which is a lot like yours) and the video plays fine here. Is anyone else having problems, and what media player and version are you using if it's not?

To change a tied note (eg. quarter note tied to an eighth note) to a dotted note:
1. Select the tie
2. In the palette tools, select the "Collapse ties" button.

To do this en masse (which is what the video shows),
1. Click the Notes tab.
2. Select the staff(staves) with the tied notes.
3. Click the "Ties" button in the palette. At this point, only the ties should show up in blue, indicating that they're selected.
4. In the palette tools, click the "Collapse ties" button.


Anyway, a new question. Since the closest think I have found to making a proper appogiatura is a grace note without a slash, I was wondering how to add accidentals associated with the grace note?
You can (1) select the grace note and then (2) hold the P (for pitch) key and use the up or down arrow key to move the pitch of the grace note, which automatically adds the accidental.

We do have it on the "to do" list to make editing of grace notes easier, but that won't happen til the next major release. The one we're working on now is a "minor" release ;)

Perhaps we should give alternate names like "dorian" or "mixolydian" or such, depending on whether they're mainly new features or bug fixes ;)

Sherry 01-29-2010 04:49 AM

Re: Accidentals With Grace Notes
Ya, I tried the up and down keys and the tab at the top when you have the Grace Notes selected, and from the top tab I tried to alter the pitch and do the accidental thang, and none of those worked. They do work on regular notes (I did that today as well as changing the enharmonic spelling of a bunch of notes). But nothing works with the Grace Notes.

Sherry C 01-29-2010 11:53 AM

Re: Accidentals With Grace Notes
Hi Frank,

Can you please send me a copy of the file where you can't change the pitch of the grace note, so I can study this? I tried it yesterday when I made the post and it was working for me. I also just tried it now, and it still works (I always try things before posting. Keeps my face cleaner ;) ) Perhaps there is some special case where adjusting the pitch of the grace note is broken. You can send the file to and I can take it from there.


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