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Sherry C 03-17-2011 01:32 AM

Transcription options - how they affect the notation you get from MIDI (.mid) files
Hi friends,

Transcription Options - A tutorial review of the transcription options that are available in Notation Musician and Notation Composer, and how they affect the sheet music that you get on opening a MIDI (.mid) file. If you've opened a file and don't like the sheet music you see, you may want to try changing the Transcription options (using Format/Retranscribe.) One note when doing a Retranscription - do it first, before doing other edits to your score because you will lose any annotations and such that you may have made.

This video is large (it's high resolution) so you may need to be patient while it loads for playing. If you prefer to download it to your computer, you can use this download link.

Please use this thread to ask questions, make comments or suggestions, or otherwise discuss this tutorial (you can add nuggets of wisdom, too ;) ).


sirronnai 04-21-2017 08:28 PM

Re: Transcription options - how they affect the notation you get from MIDI (.mid) fil
sherry why does detail palatte always resist deletion?! ie one deletes it then saves aS BUT WHENEVER the file is NEXt opened

Sherry C 04-22-2017 08:59 PM

Re: Transcription options - how they affect the notation you get from MIDI (.mid) fil

It's a "dummy default" that we set because when we briefly tested not having it automatically come on, we had a lot of "where's the palette?" queries.


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