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Jeffrey610 01-16-2021 03:09 AM

HAD TO SHARE before the Inauguration!
1 Attachment(s)
Hello, I just had to share this expression before the Presidential Inauguration.
I have been working on this inspiration for a little while, now. But struggled to complete it before January 20th, 2021. I think there is musical merit here... but, the thing I was focused on was the message.
I'm stunned at the immensity of the problems we face in my family, my neighborhood, my city, my state, my country and my world-wide Humanity.
It's like God and Nature itself is against us. And we are expecting a man to resolve or control the misery. Well, good luck! My money is on God and Nature. We, (wo)men on earth, don't have a secure place. It is a privilege to be here. But, I think we have forgotten to cherish this privilege. It really seems like we just talk, and Talk an TALK. . .but, no one listens.
SO, I wrote this song. Please listen...really listen. Comment on it. Pro or Con.
Nature wants an answer.

dj 01-16-2021 12:45 PM

Re: HAD TO SHARE before the Inauguration!
Thanks, Jeffrey:

Very nice to wake up to some new and enthusiastic music.

As always, I like your drum lines very much.

At bar 53, you felt the need to add an extra lyric tag to finish off the second chorus. My thought is that at bar 28, it would be good to add a similar lyric tag to finish off the first chorus. As it is, the chorus feels incomplete. Not the same tag, but perhaps it could be a progressive thing that changes each time you reach that spot.

Lyrically, I hope we're not in the absolutely dire straits you're speaking to, but the world sure is at a tough point. Your song reminds me, in theme and attitude, of the World War II song "You'll Get Used To It" by Freddie Grant, where the chorus goes "You'll get used to it. The first year is the worst year, then you'll get used to it."

And, as I look out my window at 25 centimetres (10 inches) of fresh snow, it's nice to have some island rhythms to start the day, before I start shovelling.

All the best,

Jeffrey610 01-17-2021 01:47 PM

Re: HAD TO SHARE before the Inauguration!
Again, Thank you for your interest and advice. It has always been a pleasure to listen to and follow your observations.
First: I struggled with the Bar 28 tag line. I had many, as you noted, possible options ("I think I can" "I know I can" I'm sure I can" Yes, I can," etc.) And when written sounded so much like 'Curious George' parlance, that didn't advance the message. So... I opted for suggestable silence. You fill in the Blank! You did!
Second: Sorry to engage, but we are in an awful state of affairs at this time.
Maybe, a time weary gentleman, as yourself, has 'been there-done that'! This feels like WW2.0 for me. Therefore your reference to Freddy Grant's "You'll get used to it" may be more than an appropriate read on the songs lyrical message. I found a copy of the song on 'YouTube' sung by Freddy Grant and others. Some were in the original German language. Mr. Grant's version was the English translation.
Lastly, David, it's nice to hear that you are able to shovel snow from your walkway and potentially enjoy a brisk fireplace fire (maybe a hot toddy, too).
Most are waiting for their Stimulus Check!
With Humble heart,

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