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hervé GILLES (hervich) 09-02-2006 05:24 PM

I've desinstalled it...
I've desinstalled it...
As a french professional orchestrator I use 1.1.7 with pleasure. I've a lot work actually. I used my 1.1.7 for the last score. Then I tried it on beta to have the timing (with the counter that is not in 1.1.7)and try other changes... saving it completely as indicated ("not.1) .... Ok...Then impossible to (re)open it (with Beta and my 1.1.7)... Houps!!! Happily, with function "recover" I found the most part of my work in 1.1.7...

I also note that it was impossible to copy-paste (the soft don't recognize when draging mouse?... the message indicate as if I did nothing)


David Jacklin (dj) 09-03-2006 02:39 PM

Hello, Herve: Which Beta ve
Hello, Herve:

Which Beta version were you using?

I noted difficulties with saving files in Version 1.0 format with earlier betas of the 2.0 software. However, I believe it has been fixed in later versions.

I just did a quick test with Version 1.9.6a and was able to save a file in Version 1.0 format and load it up in Version 1.1.7.

Regarding copy-paste: are you aware that copying notes requires a Control-drag, not just dragging? That is, hold down the Control key while holding the right mouse button and dragging. Version 1.9.6a seems to work correctly in that regard.

Hope this helps.


David Jacklin (dj) 09-03-2006 02:42 PM

That should read "left mou
That should read "left mouse button" not "right mouse button".

David "Can't proof-read for ****" Jacklin

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