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Jeffrey610 07-10-2023 01:41 PM

So. . .Here's Some Mo'
1 Attachment(s)
I was thinking. . .Maybe. . . Well. . .eh. . . How about. . .I Give you some More? "Paradigm Rap"
It's my take on the Basic Beat. I found it a 'Smooth Jazz' or 'Rap' style extension of the Original idea. Maybe a bit long. . .but Sherry should like it. Somebody. . .Tell Her! :cool:

Jeffrey610 08-15-2023 09:23 PM

Re: So. . .Here's Some Mo'
So, About 500 listens (by this date) and NOT ONE COMMENT :confused:
I just don't know what to think. Is this melody too sappy, aggressive, needs more Cow bells. . .(SNL reference). . . I just don't know. . .nobody said anything.

There is a saying "Chefs should never rate their own dishes". I believe that to be true. . .or I would never make another song because of my own critique. So, somebody tell me to knock it off. . .or go for it. . .or something.

Hey, my rambling brain says, have you heard of the HULU Movie "Chevalier"? I thought it was brain-bustingly good. (Even though, Protagonist was abandoned by Marie-Antoinette before she got her comeuppance). If you are a fan of French Classical Music, Mozart or Violin Concertos. . .you will probably like this 2022 movie. I did, and am influenced. I think I am going to Gimme Some Mo' With a FRENCH TWIST.:cool:

Sherry C 08-15-2023 09:39 PM

Re: So. . .Here's Some Mo'
Hi Jeffrey,

Well, at least it's getting listens :) 'Tis a busy time of year for many (myself included, with kids home from school for the summer, trips, big band gigs at all the little festivals, etc. etc.......) So don't feel bad that it's garnered no comments thus far - at least no one threw anything :) (that's my criteria for a successful gig btw :D)

Just had the opportunity to listen to it. Cowbell is always fun (even our big band drummer uses it occasionally ;) ) I do like the chromatic bass line (I play bass and so used the Staff/Transpose instrument key to get it up to readable) a lot and the drums as always are superb. The other instruments are good too - reminds me of a jazz jam session where folks can get their licks in (which I enjoy a lot). Well done :)

So since it's named a rap, are there any words that you have to go with it, or is this for a 'freestyle' gig?


Jeffrey610 09-01-2023 02:49 PM

Re: So. . .Here's Some Mo'
Thank you Sherry, for your much needed reply. (I've Had people throw thing, and I wasn't playing music :D) But, I'm grateful for any feedback I can get,Please elaborate on your comment "I play bass and so used the Staff/Transpose instrument key to get it up to readable".
Since I've had NO musical Scoring instruction. . .ever. . .I don't know what you mean when you say you've had to transpose the Bass. What is the correct Instrument Key signature for the bass? ...or any other instrument?
I just write instrument parts until they sound right. . .I have no clue what Instrument KEY they should be in. I have heard of Sax and horns being in B-flat Key. . .but I've never used that notation before.
Inquiring Minds Want to Know.
Thanks for any response from you all. . .you'd be surprised how DUMB I really am. :cool:

Sherry C 09-02-2023 01:01 PM

Re: So. . .Here's Some Mo'
Hi Jeffrey,


Originally Posted by Jeffrey610 (Post 69936)
Please elaborate on your comment "I play bass and so used the Staff/Transpose instrument key to get it up to readable".

Bass (and guitar) are both transposing instruments only because they both "sound" an octave below where their notation is written.

So, for example, a bass sheet where there is a middle C written, when played on a bass or guitar, actually sounds at the C that is on the next to bottom space of the bass clef.

If you want a musician to read their music from a file you come up with in Composer we have a feature for that :) You can see in Staff/Transpose that there are 2 types of transposition. The one we're talking about here is " each instrument's key".

  1. You can write everything out in "concert key" and then
  2. use Staff/ Transpose to each instrument's key.
  3. Click "Next" (this first dialog is just to make sure you're choosing the right transposition).
  4. Now click "Look up all instrument transpositions" to have Composer automatically look up the instrument transpositions for each staff. If you've named your Staff for a band member like "Rudy" you may need to click the individual "Look Up" button and find Rudy's instrument.
  5. Then click Finish and Composer will show you the staff in the instrument's transposed key.
You can go to Help/User Guide and then use the Index to look up more information about transposing under the topic "transpose".

So when I transposed the bass line for reading, I did the above to bring the notation up an octave to give the sheet that I would read and play.


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