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Steelpicker999 05-07-2010 01:33 PM

Brass fingering
Hi Mark,

I have been teaching a little Trumpet to beginners recently and have had the need to mark the brass fingering (ie valve combinations) onto scores. While this can be done with free text it is very time consuming. would it be possible to have a "option" for this within Composer? I imagine it working like this - You would highlight a section of the score (or one note, or entire score) and then select "add brass fingering", A pop-up box would ask you to confirm which instrument the fingering is for and then automatically place the text on the score. Incidently, most brass (3 valve) instruments use the same fingering, french horns are different, some euphoniums have a 4th valve, and instruments that have rotary valves (as opposed to the normal up and down piston type) possibly have different fingering.

I would think this would not prove too difficult as the software is already capable of displaying text / chord symbols etc.

What do you think?



Mark W 05-07-2010 03:19 PM

Re: Brass fingering
Hello Chris,

It is on our to-do list to add support for displaying and editing fingering. The priority of that feature is moving up, because there have been many requests for this.

The first version of the fingering feature won't determine the fingering automatically, but I recognize that this additional option would be very helpful. Fingering for the most instruments is very difficult to automatically determine, namely piano and guitar.

-- Mark

Jellyall 02-19-2011 12:21 PM

Re: Brass fingering
Hi Mark,

Any update on this feature?

Anything that can ease the entry, better than adding free text to each note manually, would be a great help.

Kind Regards .... Richard

Sherry C 02-19-2011 03:00 PM

Re: Brass fingering
Hi Richard,

In case you missed the announcement, Mark passed away suddenly just a few weeks ago. There's also another announcement regarding future plans for Notation Software.

In answer to your specific question, it's still on the list of things to do, but I obviously don't have a time line to give you for that feature inclusion. There are a lot of instrumentalists that would like to know which fingers to use for which notes :)


Jellyall 02-19-2011 04:16 PM

Re: Brass fingering
Hi Sherry,
I'm really sorry, I didn't realise it was the same Mark.
Obviously I understand how things must be right now.
Kindest Regards,

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