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IanMc 10-07-2009 08:11 AM

Add Measures Problem
Hello all,

I have created a piece with a piano grand staff of 40 measures. I want to add a further 16 measures. However after selecting "Add measure at end of score" and nominating 16 measures to add, it adds them alright but it also adds another blank treble and bass staff to the whole score!

Another thing I've noticed is that the treble and bass staves (measures 37-40) on the last page in Page View are miles apart compared to all the others. There is no text or overly low/high notes between them.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Any ideas most welcome,

mgj32 10-08-2009 05:38 AM

Re: Add Measures Problem
Hi IanMC,

Did you have the cursor in the last measure before you made the addition? That could make a difference.


Sherry C 10-08-2009 11:30 AM

Re: Add Measures Problem
Howdy Ian,

I just tried the following steps to successfully create a 40 measure piano score and then add another 16 measures to it:

1. Open Composer
2. Click "Create"
3. Step 1 - select "Piano" and click "Next"
3. Steps 2 and 3 - click "Next" (default of 4/4 and key of C)
4. Step 4 - enter "40" for number of measures and click "Next"
5. Step 5 - click "Finish" (no song title, Window view, and box at bottom is unchecked).
6. (now have a 40 measure two-stave piano score) Click "Measure" in the menu bar.
7. Select "Insert (add) measures"
8. In the dialog, I entered 16 in the "Number of measures to add or insert" box, and clicked "Ok."

Composer properly added 16 measures to the score without adding any extra staves. The steps above are minimal - I did no editing of the score at all. Was there any editing that you had done prior to adding the measures, or did you perhaps earlier add new staves, but then decide you didn't need/want them, or....?

Any additional information (or a copy of the "before" file) should help us figure this out :)


IanMc 10-09-2009 12:45 AM

Re: Add Measures Problem
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Sherry C (Post 12906)
Howdy Ian,

I just tried the following steps to successfully create a 40 measure piano score and then add another 16 measures to it:

Composer properly added 16 measures to the score without adding any extra staves. The steps above are minimal - I did no editing of the score at all. Was there any editing that you had done prior to adding the measures, or did you perhaps earlier add new staves, but then decide you didn't need/want them, or....?

Any additional information (or a copy of the "before" file) should help us figure this out :)


Thanks Sherry,

I did what you suggested and of course it worked fine.

Some background... I scanned a piano score sheet and converted it to a midi file which I then imported to NC. I then converted it to a piano grand staff in NC by adding braces to it.
Maybe this is where the problem arises. I haven't added or subtracted any staves previously as it's a 40 bar piece and that's it. However as the program doesn't seem to recognize D.C. da Fine, etc I decided to add a copy of the first 16 bars onto the end.
This brings me to another thing - I thought I would copy and paste the whole thing into a new piano score by region selecting and copying, a section at at a time and then doing the add measures thing. But would you believe it, the treble part gets copied but not the bass even though I had it selected.
Anyway, I don't have any before file, just the one I've been working on. So I've attached that along with the original midi file.

Many thanks for your help,

herbert 10-09-2009 08:05 AM

Re: Add Measures Problem
Hi Ian,

I do a fair bit of scanning using Capella-Scan. Often the midi file contains a hidden staff that upsets copy and paste commands. You can go to Staff then to Setup ... on the menu bar and check for a redundant staff.

The file attachments of your post did not work.


Sherry C 10-09-2009 12:22 PM

Re: Add Measures Problem
Howdy Ian,

Thanks for including the files - we're getting somewhere now :)

Opened the .mid file - there are a total of 5 staves - "Jenny Lind" (an empty staff, as Herbert mentioned usually happens), then Staff, Staff-2, Staff-3, and Staff-4.

Opened the .not file - I see that the "Conductor's score" part displays two staves that are braced together. However, when I use Part/Define, I see that the Conductor's score should contain 4 staves.

In the .not file, Staff/Hide resting staves is on :) Having that option on while manipulating staves and copy/paste functions will sometimes show you some unexpected results, mostly because of the "out of sight, out of mind" effect. You simply don't see the staves that are really there but Composer does, and has to deal with them as well as the ones you see. This explains the strangely appearing extra staff - it was hidden because it was "resting" (had no notes), and by default any time you add measures, any "resting staves" are revealed, so that you can see exactly what's happened to the score.

I'd strongly suggest (1) have Staff/Hide resting staves off when you're doing such manipulations, because then you'll be able to see exactly what's getting affected in the score and (2) delete any unnecessary staves (two of the staves don't have any notes in them that I can see).


IanMc 10-09-2009 01:04 PM

Re: Add Measures Problem
Yes, that's what's happened alright. I see I am on a fairly steep learning curve here. :)

So... problem solved. Many thanks Sherry, Herbert and mgj32 for your fast and informative responses.

Fantastic forum and great to be a part of!

Best wishes,

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