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lavajunkie 02-11-2013 05:33 PM

Long notes not writing correctly.
I have a problem with longer notes not writing correctly when I manually put music to computer using the mouse and keyboard. For instance; when I insert an half note it breaks it up into smaller notes and adds ties to the whole string. When I record midi using my piano and save it to diskette all the notes are as played (not in pieces). If you look at my example; the notes in blue should only be one half note; not two quarter notes tied. How do I fix this? is there a way of writing it correctly?
James R.

Sherry C 02-11-2013 06:07 PM

Re: Long notes not writing correctly.

You'll want to use different voices for those different duration notes. For example, the blue notes that are selected in your picture (nice screen shot!) are lower voice notes. With them selected, you can click on the "Lower voice" button on the far-right of the Notes tool palette, and it should give you the result you're looking for. You can use Help/Users Guide and the Index to look up 'voice' for more info.


Sherry C 02-11-2013 06:11 PM

Re: Long notes not writing correctly.
p.s. The reason that the notes are initially connected is to keep all notes of the same "voice" showing the same place-duration on the score. It's a visual that some folks find helpful. Others find it distracting, and that's one reason we have options :)


dj 02-12-2013 12:28 PM

Re: Long notes not writing correctly.
Hi, Lavajunkie:

The keystroke shortcut to selecting which voice the notes are notated as is:

1: select (highlight) the note by clicking on it.
2: type "uv" for "upper voice" (stems up) or "lv" for "lower voice" (stems down).
3: alternatively, type "sv" for "single voice" to combine notes into one voice.

You can select multiple notes and change their voicing with one set of keystrokes. That's a lot faster.

Good luck.


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