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Old 10-16-2016, 09:16 AM
Reinhold H. Reinhold H. is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Utting am Ammersee, Germany
Posts: 622
Default Re: Interest survey for including a scanning/OCR feature in Notation Composer -reply

Thanks for the comments so far.

Let me add here how the concept will look like and what corner stones need to be met:
  • Definitely, we cannot enhance our prices for Composer because of a scanning feature
  • Secondly, we cannot develop a scanning feature by our own
The concept would be to use Visiv's scanning engine which is the same as the scanning engine of SharpEye.
MusicXML import is planned to be one of the core features in the next release (just want to mention that it is "planned" and not yet confirmed ). So the interface from the scanning engine to Composer would be MusicXML. MusicXML offers a far wider feature range than a MIDI export/import. The MusicXML export of Visiv is pretty OK from what I have tested so far.

The scanning engine would be part of any Composer package including the trial version. The scanning engine will expire after 30 days. If the user is convinced of the OCR scanning feature he/she can purchase a scanning license. This license will be loaded by Composer without a re-installation and the scanning feature is activated

Visiv's scanning engine only imports a 1-bit bmp format (just black and white). The feature would be that any other format like pdf, jpg etc. can be used. The integration would be as such that opening a pdf, jpg etc. would be possible and all other converions happen in the background.

Clearly, the notation score can only be as good as the scanning enging of SharpEye. Any adjustments due to a bad scanning need to be made in Composer.

Our questionare is about "what a customer would be willing to pay for this additional scanning feature".
This question is crucial to us due to the Visiv's license prices because this is the only royalty costs which we have so far.

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