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Old 03-28-2017, 09:24 PM
Briansdad Briansdad is offline
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Default Re: XML export - Lyric misalignment

Originally Posted by Reinhold H. View Post
So, the issue is clear now. First of all there are a few empty lyrics syllables in Voice 1 which create the warning for Voice 1. In 3.0.7 we do a fix that when a lyrics syllable is empty, no warning will be displayed.

For Voice 3 the tie at measure 28 creates the warning. Please see below. Using the Shift+L command does not shift the syllable "sa-" to the next note because there is already the lyrics syllable "ki" located. The tie was probably added (and I think that this is the only possibility) AFTER the lyrics had been inserted. In fact lyrics should not be allowed in this case. But it is done by design not to shift any lyrics when a tie is added nor to block any tie because of a located lyrics. It was decided to leave this situation as a pragmatic solution even it is a kind of an "inconsistency".

However, when now the song is exported by MusicXML such an inconsistency may cause an issue in another software program. I tested the MusicXML export by importing the file into Sibelius, Finale, Dorico and MuseScore. All programs import the lyrics as well as the tie properly. I came to the conclusion to leave the software here as is with the warning.

In a nutshell:
  • if you delete the tie in measure 28 the warning about Voice 3 disappears
  • the warning about Voice 1 will disappear with 3.0.7
and all is fine with the MusicXML export.

Thank you for your thorough explanation. Extraordinary support. Much appreciated. Wjhilecontrinuing to work on the piece I did see and remove the unwanted tie. I have no idea why I added it in the first place .

One question remains: what is an "empty lyrics syllables"? Is it just a note that should have a syllable under it?

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