Advancing to the Next (or Previous) Beat While Editing Chord Names

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Advancing to the Next (or Previous) Beat While Editing Chord Names

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As you are adding or editing chord names, you can advance to the next (or previous) note or chord name in the following ways:

B8When manually typing in Chord Names, hit the TAB key to advance to the next major beat in the meter or chord name, whichever comes first. The location of major beats in a measure is determined by the meter. For example, the major beat in a 4:4 meter is a quarter note; and the major beat in a 6:8 meter is a dotted quarter note.
B8Type SHIFT+TAB to go back to the previous major beat or chord name, which ever comes first.
B8If you are using the Chord Builder, you can simply click the "Next" or "Previous" button to advance forward or backward to the next major beat.
B8If you are adding chord names and advance to a next or previous major beat that does not already have a chord name, then you can type in a new chord name at that location.  If there is already a chord name present, you can then edit it.
B8You do not have to add a chord name at every major beat, of course. If you do not want to add a chord name at a beat, skip over it by hitting the TAB key (when manually typing) or the "Next" button (when using the Chord Builder) to advance to the next beat.