Starting and Stopping a Practice Session

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Starting and Stopping a Practice Session

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Use the Practice Setup command in the Perform menu to set up the section of the song you want to practice, to specify the number of repeats of the practice section, and to set the tempo. Or, if you have already used the Practice Setup command to practice another section of the song, and now you just want to practice a new section of the song with the same settings (for number of repeats and tempo), then select the range of measures you wish to practice with CTRL+Drag; that is, hold down the CTRL key while dragging the mouse over the range measures.

Once you have chosen the range of measures to practice, and have specified the options for number of loops and tempo, you can practice the same section of the song as many times as you would like.

prcarrow To start practicing:

1.After you have filled out the options in the Practice Setup dialog, press the Begin Practice button in the dialog.

-- OR --


-- OR --

3.If you have enabled Composer's Pitch-to-Command feature, while holding down the "trigger key" on your music keyboard, play the second F# above Middle C. See Controlling Composer From Your Music Keyboard.

prcarrow To stop practicing:

Stop playback just as you would stop normal playback, as follows.

1.Hit the SPACE key.

-- OR --

2.Click the Stop starting_and_stopping_a_ button in the toolbar at the top of the window.

-- OR --

3.Toggle the Playback starting_and_stopping_a_1 button in the toolbar at the top of the window.

-- OR --

4.If you have enabled Composer's Pitch-to-Command feature, while holding down the "trigger key" on your music keyboard, play the first F# above Middle C. See Controlling Composer From Your Music Keyboard.