Adding Notes Using Only Your Computer Keyboard

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Adding Notes Using Only Your Computer Keyboard

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The method for adding notes described here is ideal if you prefer to do most of your work with the computer keyboard instead of the mouse.

The following example introduces how adding notes with only your computer keyboard works:


prcarrow To add notes using the computer keyboard:

1.If the Note Palette is not already showing, type SHIFT+N to display it:


2.Select the note duration for the to-be-added note, as described in Selecting the Note Duration. You can use the mouse to choose a duration value from the above Note Palette. Or, you can use computer keyboard shortcuts, such as "4" for quarter note, "16" for sixteenth, or "833" for eighth triplet.
3.Move the mouse so that the red to-be-added note on the screen is close to where you want to add the first note.
4.Hit the RightArrowKey or LeftArrowKey key one or more times to move the red to-be-added RedNoteSprite note to the measure and beat location where you want to add the note.

You might need to change the Beat Ruler to determine the resolution of the beats where notes can be added, such as every eighth note beat or every sixteenth note beat.

5.Hit the UpArrowKey or DownArrowKey key one or more times to move the red to-be-added RedNoteSprite note up or down one staff step at a time. If you need to add an accidental to the note, follow step #8.
6.Hit the InsKey key to insert (add) the new note at the location of the red to-be-added RedNoteSprite note.

The newly added note will be shown in the score, and will be selected, as indicated with a blue highlight.

7.To add an accidental to the newly added note:
B816Type the NumPad PlusKey or MinusKey key one or more times to raise or lower the pitch one half-step at a time.

-- OR --

B816While holding the "P" key, hit the UpArrowKey or DownArrowKey key one or more times to raise or lower the pitch one half-step at a time.

-- OR --

B816Type one of the following commands:

keyboard command


"ss" or "#"


"f" or "b"



no accidental

"ds" or "d#" or "x"

double sharp

"df" or "db"

double flat

If you type NumPad PlusKey or MinusKey, or P+UpArrowKey or P+DownArrowKey to specify the pitch of the note, Composer will automatically choose a "spelling" for the note based on its analysis of the surrounding harmony. For example, Composer will automatically choose between two alternative spellings of C# and Db. If Composer does not automatically choose the spelling you want, you can change the enharmonic spelling, as described in the topic on Accidentals.

8.To add a note to a chord, use the UpArrowKey and DownArrowKey keys to move the red to-be-added RedNoteSprite note to another staff position at the same measure/beat, and hit the InsKey key.