Navigating through Pages of the Score

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Navigating through Pages of the Score

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You can go to different pages of the score by referring to any of the following:

B816Page number.
B816Measure number.
B816Rehearsal mark.

You can do this by using:

B816Commands in the Go To submenu of the View menu.

-- OR --

B816Keyboard shortcuts, such as CTRL+PAGEDOWN for next page.

-- OR --

B816The Fast Forward ToolbarButtonNextPage and Rewind ToolbarButtonPrevPage buttons in the main toolbar.  Using these will move the Playback Position Marker to the top of the page.

-- OR --


B816The Page Scroller pageslider-7 in the lower right of the Status Bar.  Using this scroller allows you to view other pages without changing the position of the Playback Position Marker when play is stopped, as well as when the file is playing.

You can also temporarily view and print a range of measures in the score rather than all of the measures.

For details about the above navigation and viewing options, see the topics that follow.