Re-Initializing a Configuration

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Re-Initializing a Configuration

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If you change the sound card of your system or add a new one, Composer will also automatically detect it the next time you run the program. Composer will deactivate any Windows MIDI ports that are no longer in your Windows system. You can completely re-initialize the configuration based on the current Windows MIDI ports in your system, as though Composer were just installed for the first time. To re-initialize the configuration, follow the procedure below.

prcarrow To re-initialize the current configuration:

1.Choose the MIDI Device Configuration command from the Setup menu.

-- OR --

Type or "qdc" for Quick Device Configuration.

2.Optionally make a backup of the configuration following the procedure for Cloning a Configuration.
3.Select the configuration you wish to re-initialize if it is not already selected.
4.Choose the Initialize command in the Config menu.