Repeat Instructions for Performances

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Repeat Instructions for Performances

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Composer will automatically play repeats and endings as notated. If the measures (bars) between a pair of start- and end-repeat barlines includes more than two verses, then the repeat will be played as many times as there are verses.

Although Composer does automatically interpret repeats, verses, and endings , Composer does not automatically interpret other more complex "go to"  instructions, such as D.C. al Segno..  But Composer offers you complete control over the repeats, and which verse of lyrics is played during each repeat.

To control how Composer plays repeats and verses, use the Repeat Instructions command in the Measure menu or Perform menu.

prcarrow To specify which verse of lyrics is to be sung in each repeat:

Consider the following example where the first verse is supposed to be sung twice, and the third verse the last time:


1.Choose the Repeat Instructions command in the Measure or Barline Menu.

-- OR --

Type "qri" for Quick Repeat Instructions.

Composer will display the following Repeat Instructions dialog box:


Notice that in row 5, for Repeat #3, the Repeat Instructions indicates that verse #3 is sung for the third repeat, even though there is not a third verse.  You can correct this, and also assign the second repeat to the first verse rather than the second.

2.Change the verse assignments in the Repeat Instructions dialog box, as illustrated below:

prcarrow To specify relatively complex "go to" instructions in the score:

Consider the following example with four endings, a segno repeat_instructions_for_ mark, a D.C. al Segno instruction, and a Coda:


1.Choose the Repeat Instructions command in the Measure or Barline Menu.

-- OR --

Type "qri" for Quick Repeat Instructions.

Composer will display the following Repeat Instructions dialog box:


Composer has correctly prepared the repeat instructions for the endings and repeats, as illustrated here:


However, Composer did not interpret the segno repeat_instructions_for_1 mark, D.C. al Segno and Coda:.

2.Add instructions in the Repeat Instructions dialog box for the interpretation of the other "go to" marks, as illustrated in rows #10 and #11 below:


The last two instructions for the D.C. al Segno and Coda: are performed as follows:
