Splitting a Staff into Melody and Accompaniment

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Splitting a Staff into Melody and Accompaniment

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Sometimes it is useful to split the notes in a staff into two staves, one for melody notes and a second staff for accompaniment notes. For example, you might want to do this to prepare a melody vocal staff to which you will add lyrics.

prcarrow To split a staff into two staves with melody notes and accompaniment notes:

1.The remaining steps of this procedure will replace the original staff that you are splitting. If you want to preserve a copy of the original staff, then use the Clone Staff command in the Staff menu to make a copy of the staff.
2If the staff controls are visible, then click depress the Staff Selection StaffControlSelect button to select a staff. If the staff controls are not visible, you can make them visible by choosing the Show Staff Controls option from the View menu.
3Choose the Split Melody and Accompaniment command from the Staff menu.

    -- OR --

    Type "qsplm" for Quick Split Melody.

    Composer will present you with the Split Melody and Accompaniment Notes dialog box.
4In the dialog box, confirm the staff you selected in step #1, or select a staff.
5Click the OK button to confirm the Split Melody and Accompaniment Notes command.

Composer will replace the original staff with a pair of melody and accompaniment staves, as illustrated below:
