Removing a MIDI Bank

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Removing a MIDI Bank

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It is rare that you will need to remove a MIDI bank from a device. This might be necessary if you mistakenly added a bank.

prcarrowTo remove a MIDI bank from a device:

1.Open the MIDI Device Configuration Window by choosing the MIDI Device Configuration command from the Setup menu.

-- OR --

Type or "qdc" for Quick Device Configuration.

2.Select a device by clicking its name in the MIDI Device Configuration Window.
3.Choose the Device Properties command in the Device menu. Musician will display the Device Properties dialog box.
4.In the Banks portion of the Device Properties dialog box, click the name of the bank you wish to remove.
5.Click the Delete Bank button.
6.Confirm that you wish to remove the bank.
7.Click the OK button to exit the Device Properties dialog box.