You can easily change the overall color scheme in Musician, and also the colors using for highlight the music during playback.
To change the overall color scheme:
1. | Choose the Color Theme command in the Setup menu. |
Musician will display the Color Theme window:

2. | In the list at the bottom of the window, choose one of the standard color themes pre-defined by Musician. |
| Change the background color, used for the background of palettes and windows, or the button color (of buttons in palette), by selecting clicking a color "of the rainbow" at the bottom of the color palette, and then selecting a shade of the color in the main portion of the color palette. |
| You can immediately preview your color selection by observing Musician's palettes and menus. |
3. | Click the OK button to save the new color theme, or Cancel to return to the most recent color theme. |
To change the colors used to highlight the score during playback:
1. | Choose the Playback Highlighting Options in the Perform menu. |
2. | In the Playback Highlight Options dialog, choose the colors that are used during playback: |