Editing Staves

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Editing Staves

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A staff is a storage area within a song, that collects all of the notes and musical performance details (such as volume level and pan) that are associated with a particular instrument or vocal part. If you have not done so yet, it is highly recommended that you read the previous topic Understanding Tracks, Staves, and Parts.

This section is organized as follows:

B816Deleting Staves
B816Editing Instrument (Staff) Names
B816Changing the Instrument Sound of a Staff
B816Assigning MIDI Channel
B816Cloning a Staff
B816Merging Staves
B816Adjusting Per-Staff Volume Level and Pan
B816Transposing a Staff
B816Splitting Staves

-- Splitting a Staff into Right- and Left-Hand Staves

-- Splitting the Drum Staff into Individual Drum Staves

-- Splitting a Staff into Melody and Accompaniment

-- Splitting out Double Played Notes from Solo Instrument

B816Rearranging the Order of Staves
B816Shifting Notes Between Staves