<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Eliminating Small Rests |
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If you have imported a MIDI file, or recorded a performance at your music keyboard, and you find that Musician has transcribed the performance to notation using too many small rests, there are a couple of options you have to eliminate the small rests.
One option is to re-transcribe the entire song or specified staves. The Re-Transcribe command in the Format menu lets you specify the minimum rest duration that will be notated. Rests smaller than the specified minimum duration will be eliminated by extending the duration of preceding notes.
A second option enables you to select the region of the score, or group of notes, among which the small rests will be removed. In this example, rests smaller than quarter rests are removed:
To eliminate small rests for a selected region of the score:
1. | First, select a region of the score by holding down the CTRL key and the left mouse button, and dragging the mouse. |
-- OR --
2. | In the Region menu, open the submenu named Clean Up Rests and Overlapping Notes. In the submenu, open a second submenu name Remove Rests Smaller Than. In that second submenu, choose 16th Rest, 8th Rest, or Quarter Rest, to determine the size of rests that will be removed. |
-- OR --
Type "r16r", "r8r" or "r4r" to remove rests smaller than a sixteenth, eighth, or quarter rest.
-- OR --
Type "rr" to remove rests smaller than the size you most recently specified in this or any previous session of Musician.