Specifying Page Text in Templates

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Specifying Page Text in Templates

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When you import a MIDI file, Musician copies page text from a special template named MidiFileDefault.not, which by default resides in the C:\Users\Public\Documents\Notation_5\Templates directory on your system. The initially installed version of the MidiFileDefault.not template automatically inserts the following page text in the score transcribed from your newly imported MIDI file:

B8Song title, in point size 20, at the top of the first page.
B8Song title, using the default page text font and size, at the left top corner of every page except the first page.
B8Page number, using the default page text font and size, at the right top corner of every page except the first page.

You can change the page text in any template. When you subsequently create a new file using a template, or import a MIDI file using the MidiFileDefault.not template, the page text will automatically be copied from the template to your new song or newly opened MIDI score.

prcarrow To add page text to a template:

1.Use the Open command in the File menu, and choose a .not file in the C:\Users\Public\Documents\Notation_5\Templates directory.
2.Edit the page text in the template file, just as though you were editing the page text in a normal song. Follow the instructions in Adding and Editing Page Text.
3.Save the template file using the Save command in the File menu.