Testing Playback and Play-along on a MIDI Device

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Testing Playback and Play-along on a MIDI Device

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If a staff is assigned to a device, and you hear no sound for that staff during playback, then it is a good idea to directly test the playback for the device.

To test the playback for a MIDI output device:

1.Choose the MIDI Device Configuration command in the Setup menu.

-- OR --

Type "gds" or "gdc" for Quick Device Setup or Quick Device Configuration.

2.In the MIDI Device Configuration Window, select a MIDI device by clicking its name. MIDI device names are displayed in normal text, whereas MIDI port names are displayed in bold text.
3.Choose the Test command in the main menu of the MIDI Device Configuration Window.
4.Musician will display and play back a 12-note chromatic scale.
5.If you do not hear sound for a device when you choose the Test command, then some possible explanations and remedies are suggested in What To Do If You Do Not Hear Any Sound.

To test play-along of a MIDI input device:

1.Choose the MIDI Device Configuration command in the Setup menu.

-- OR --

Type "gds" or "gdc" for Quick Device Setup or Quick Device Configuration.

2.Perform some notes on your MIDI input device (typically a MIDI keyboard). Observe whether the play-along indicator lights up in a bright red color.
3.If you do not observe play-along activity for that input device, then some possible explanations and remedies are suggested in What To Do If Play-Along Does Not Work.