Tutorial: Playing the Song

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Tutorial: Playing the Song

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If your computer has a sound card, it is likely that Musician will be able to immediately play through your computer's sound card to the speakers.  The default MIDI Playback Device is the internal Notation Software Synth. You can also use a different MIDI Playback Device if you prefer.

prcarrow To play back the currently opened song:

B816Hit the SPACE key.

-- OR --

B816Click the Play ToolbarButtonPlay button in the toolbar at the top of the window.

Playback starts wherever the green tutorial__play_the_songplayback marker is currently located. A vertical blue cursor moves along in the score as the song plays, to indicate the current playback position. The currently playing notes are highlighted in a bright pink color.


TIP: If you do not hear the song play, then follow the instructions in Quick MIDI Device Setup. If after using the Quick MIDI Device Setup option you still do not hear sound, then read about What To Do If You Do Not Hear Sound.

prcarrow  To temporarily fast forward through the song during playback:

1.Click the Fast Forward ToolbarButtonNextPage button once to increase the playback speed by a factor of five.
2.Click the button a second time to resume the original playback speed.

prcarrow To stop playback:

B816Hit the SPACE key.

-- OR --

B816Click the Stop ToolbarButtonStop button.

-- OR --

B816Toggle the Playback ToolbarButtonPlay button in the toolbar at the top of the window.

The green tutorial__play_the_song1playback marker will be moved to the song location where you interrupted playback.

prcarrow To jump to a different location in the song during playback.

B82Click the mouse wherever you want the playback to jump to.  
B82If you want to jump ahead a few pages, use the PAGEDOWN key to preview the page. Musician will continue playing where you left it, uninterrupted, while you look ahead.  If you wait for about 5 seconds, Musician will return to the page that it is currently playing.  However, if you click somewhere on the look-ahead page, then playback will immediately jump to the location of your mouse click.

prcarrow To change the location of the tutorial__play_the_song3playback marker before you start playback:

B816While holding down the "P" key, click the mouse where you want to set the tutorial__play_the_song3 playback marker.

prcarrow To change the location of the tutorial__play_the_song3playback marker to the beginning of the score, even during playback:


-- OR --

B816Click the Start of Song ToolbarButtonStartOfSong button.