Using this Documentation

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Using this Documentation

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This Musician documentation is organized according to tasks that you can do, rather than "reference" documentation which is organized according to the structure of the software program-- menus, toolbars, dialog boxes, etc. We hope this organization method helps you get things done quicker.

You can also choose the language for viewing this User Guide. Please note that this feature uses a translation service for the text only.  All screenshot annotations will not be translated, but the layout of each language variant of Musician is the same, so you should still be able to understand the screenshots.


prcarrow To change the language for displaying the User Guide:

1.Open Musician

2.Click "Setup", and then "Select Language of User Guide" (the last command in the menu list).

3.Choose the language you want to use from the drop list.  

4.Click "Ok."

5.Now when you use Help -> User Guide, and if you have chosen a language other than English, the User Guide will open in the translation service window. It may take a minute or two to load depending on connection speed and the internet speed time, so please be patient. English is the original language of the User Guide, and the English version will open directly on our website.

prcarrow To learn how to do a certain task:

In Help/User's Guide:

B8You will see the Table of Contents on the left side of the help window. Navigate through the Table Contents until you find the category and sub-category of documentation that is relevant to your need
-- OR --
B8(Better) Click on the Index or Search tab in the left side of the help window. If you are interested, for example, in help topics that specifically focus on preparing piano scores or parts, then look up "piano" in the Index, or use "piano" as the keyword for Search.

prcarrow To learn about a particular menu item:

B8While holding the mouse over the menu item, hit the F1 key. Musician will display this help window, presenting the topic that describes the situations in which you might want to use that menu command, and the overall procedures in which you would use that command.

prcarrow To learn about a button or control in the main toolbar, or a button in one of the palettes:

B8 While holding the mouse over the button or control, hit the F1 key.

prcarrow To learn about the details of a dialog box:

B8Click the Help button in the dialog box.

prcarrow To learn about keyboard shortcuts in Musician:

B8See Appendix A: Keyboard Shortcuts.
B8You can find out what the keyboard shortcut for a command is by placing the mouse over the menu item or palette button, and Musician will display a tip describing the command and its keyboard shortcut.