What's New in Version 5

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What's New in Version 5

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Notation Musician 5 introduces great new features for  live performance, and much more!


New - BandMates - Live performances with your group are now easier and more flexible than ever.  Send your BandMates Parts to their personal devices, and then play the song from your laptop and all of you can see exactly where you are in the song progression with the beat cursor on your individual screens.  Are you missing an instrument for a performance?  You can have Musician play that instrument Part for you so you don't have to worry about a missing musician.

New - Playlists enhancements - Sort and select songs on-the-fly using keywords, song titles, or genre during performances.

New - Full per-monitor DPI awareness across multiple monitors and casting devices (available on Windows installations) and enhanced DPI scaling options.

New - tab for BandMates

New - Italian language version

New - Improved MIDI Support and Technological Enhancements

oWASAPI and WASAPI exclusive audio interface for Realtime

oPerformance enhancements when using multicore CPUs

oLatest libs for PDFand audio

New - "Swing" the audio performance of selected note pairs in your score

New - Preview listening when selecting sounds in the Staff / Setup dialog by right-clicking the instrument patch name

New - Remaining song time display for playback during song play or if playback is stopped

New - When using brackets or braces you can now select to have barlines across all bracketed/braced staves or not - hold the "Ctl" key on your keyboard down when adding a brace or bracket across staves.

New - display instrument transposed or concert pitch chord names

New - Set up configurations for MIDI devices which are not present (useful when MIDI devices are only available at your venue or practice setup)  

New - Pitch-to-command for next/previous page for footswitches

And of course bug fixes and service enhancements

Operating systems supported

Windows 10, 64 bit

Windows 11, 64 bit

mac OS Catalina and higher