Notation Musician is the first member in the Notation product line above the free Notation Player version. Notation Musician adds to Notation Player many features that offer more musical enjoyment, educational value, and practical uses.
The primary purposes of Notation Musician are summarized below. For a tabular comparison of features in Notation Musician and Notation Player, see Comparison of Notation Products.
indicates a feature or purpose shared by both Notation Musician and Notation Player
indicates a feature or purpose included in Notation Musician but not Notation Player
Have more fun listening to music
 | Download any of 100,000s of MIDI files on the Internet. Notation Musician converts MIDI files to sheet music with amazing accuracy.  |
 | Watch the notes on the screen as they play. Hear and see the score as a conductor does. |
 | Change the tempo. |

 | Increase the volume for a selected instrument so that you can focus your listening on that instrument.  |
 | Improve your listening skills, and enhance your enjoyment of music with an exciting new visual dimension: dynamic music notation. |
Practice singing or playing your instrument
 | Play along with your acoustic instrument, or sing along, as you read the notes from your part from the screen.  |
 | Let Notation Musician play the accompaniment for other instruments.  |
 | Transpose the music for your instrument or voice range. |
 | Slow down the tempo when you are first learning the music.  |
 | Let Notation automatically turn pages for you.  |
 | Set up practice loops for any range of measures, for any number of repeats, with optionally increasing tempo. |
Save money on sheet music
 | Convert to sheet music any of 100,000s of MIDI files on the Internet.  |
 | Correct errors that Notation might make transcribing the MIDI file to sheet music, such as enharmonic spelling errors (eg, C# versus Db). |
 | Add a wide variety of music annotations, such as: accent marks, dynamic marks, hairpin crescendos, slurs (phrase marks), sustain pedal marks, 8va (octave) marks, such as shown below: |

 | Editng the beaming of notes. |
 | Convert written-out graces, trills and tremolos to notated ornaments, such as illustrated below: |

 | Annotate the score with free text, such as for tempo marks: |

 | Add page titles, headers, and footers. |

 | For voice, easily merge lyrics and the melody, or add and edit lyrics.  |

 | For the piano, split a MIDI keyboard track into right- and left-hand staves. With a single command, prepare a piano reduction of a instrumental or choir score.  |
 | For the guitar, autoharp, and piano, rearrange the score into a "fake book" with chord names, Musician analyzes the harmony of the music and displays chord names, such as C7 and Gm9. |

 | For drums, split General MIDI (GM) drum tracks into a separate 1-line staff per each distinct drum instrument. Assign drum symbols to noteheads: |

 | For a wind or brass instrument, transpose according to the key of the instrument. View and print the conductor's score in concert pitch or transposed instrument pitches. |
 | Control the format and pagination of the score, such as the location of page breaks and system breaks. |
Learn music notation
 | Learn to read music notation by seeing the notes as they play for songs you are familiar with. It is like learning a foreign language by having someone point to things and saying their names You will soon start associating in your mind the music notation that corresponds to notes that you hear.  |
 | Slow down the tempo, even as little as one tenth of the normal playback speed, so that you can better see and hear what notes are being played.  |
 | Prepare 'Easy Note' parts for student musicians, which look like this: |

 | Refer to Musician's User's Guide for explanations of more advanced music symbols.  |
 | Use Musician as a tool to learn music notation as you are also studying music with a teacher or friend. |
Visit our website to learn more about Notation Musician, see videos of Musician in action, and consider purchasing Musician.