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Maximilian75 03-27-2018 06:40 PM

Pdf size and setting
Hi, since Composer may create really huge PDF file even for a few pages of notation, it would be nice to have a menu command (or similar) where one can set the PDF resolution (I argue that the large size is due to resolution setting) without editing any register entry as I saw in a different thread.

(fortunately the exported PDF files are shrinked to a much smaller size when zip-compressed).



dj 03-28-2018 12:16 PM

Re: Pdf size and setting
Hi, Maximilian:

I can't say that I've noticed that the exported PDF files are excessive in size. I just looked over the score for one of my musicals and the 20-some files are all between 300Kb and 2.6Mb.

In case things have changed with the new version, I did a new test export with one of the longest pieces in the show and it came back at the same size as last year's version.

Is that the range you're looking at?

Bear in mind that part of the reason for the high resolution of the PDF exports is to ensure quality printout in the end.

What size of file would you consider to be appropriate?


Reinhold H. 04-10-2019 05:18 PM

Re: Pdf size and setting
We found an issue on Windows 10 where for certain type of hardware the PDF file became huge. We added a workaround in version 3.1.2.

In addition similar to the print part feature certain parts can be exported in PDF format, and selectively ranges of pages.

(a comment for not opening the PDF resolution to the public: we did intensive testing and found the current compression to be most effective. Opening it up to the public would be very risky because many people cannot handle it. And, PDF is very memory intensive where we want to avoid any critical situations.)

If you find further huge PDF export files with version 3.1.2, please let us know.

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