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rrayner 05-22-2021 08:39 PM

Dance of the Hours Duet
1 Attachment(s)
"Dance of the Hours" is from an opera written by Amilcare Ponchielli 1876. Parts of this opera were included in Walt Disney's "Fantasia" in 1940.

I had a very limited exposure to classical music when I was young, but this piece penetrated my musical mind in 1963 when Alan Sherman created the musical parody, "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah", also known as the "Camp Granada" song. Sherman uses the first two sections repeatedly in his piece.

This piece is fun to play, however, the third section (Allegro) is very challenging for intermediate and (some) above players. The composer set the tempo at a quarter note = 164. Cynthia and I are trying to learn it at 140, which is where I have this score set.

If you would like to see the chords, you can use Composer commands to display them: for chords use qscn.

Ralph R. Rayner

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