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iandg 08-10-2021 08:18 AM

Back after a while
Hallo, Notation Community, and hallo Sherry in particular if you're still there.

Two things this morning. I have a problem which I first tried to deal with by emailing 'you' at - but that almost instantly bounced. I can send the full data if you need it - something to do with Spam control.

Anyway, to the issue:

I am a long-term user of Notation - right back into Mark's time. I currently use Notation 3 (I have looked at 4, but felt no pressing need to upgrade). I hope you still have record of me as a purchaser ? It would be with this same email address, I think. The point being that my working version of 3, on a Win 10 laptop, has 'suddenly' (as these things do) gone strange. I can't get into Region Select, either by the icon or by the Region menu. I have done the obvious things - close down Composer and re-open, reboot the computer - to no effect. I imagine a re-install is what I need. Is the installer for 3 still available ? And if so, will you release a copy to me against my original purchase, please ? Many thanks

Ian Graham
Wales UK:)

Sherry C 08-10-2021 10:12 PM

Re: Back after a while
Hi Ian,

That's really weird.

Let me take a look at this situation on my Win 10 machine.

Does this happen with all songs, or just with some? Also, are you doing any particular editing or other steps just before this?


iandg 08-11-2021 06:29 AM

Re: Back after a while
Hi, Sherry ! How're you ?

I have opened a couple of other files, and it happens there, too. I think it is in the way Composer is currently booting up.

The first time it happened I was just editing an existing file to use again for something else. I had deleted one stave and was attempting to select all the notes on another to delete them. The 'Region' functions just won't engage - default to the simpler 'select' function (next icon right). But 'Insert' is selectable.

It's very specific, and very disabling ! As I said, I think a re-install is probably the best option.

Ian G.

Sherry C 09-03-2021 11:28 AM

Re: Back after a while
Hi Ian,

Sorry to be so late with responding. Life has been happening....

You could try a reinstall using the /backup folder that was created during the initial installation (or updates that you've done).
For details on that process please see

If you're using a lower v3 than version 3.1.4 you can get the latest update by visiting our Upgrade/Update Assistant page at You can enter your registered email address and then follow the directions to get the latest update for your version.

If none of that works, please visit the Helpdesk directly via your browser (which avoids email issues) at You can login and then submit your request.


iandg 09-04-2021 10:54 AM

Re: Back after a while
Thanks, Sherry

I have in fact recovered the situation by your second route - ie an update which has in effect been a reinstall.

Ian G.:)

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