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ronaldstone 09-12-2017 07:45 PM

Share a .not file with Users
1 Attachment(s)
I bought a midi file called "Bye Bye Blues", roughly about 11 months ago. I am so pleased with what I have done with it, I want to share it with all Notation users.
It is a song from the 1920's that I have always liked and I wanted to tweak this one in an entirely different way that I do all of my other midi arrangements.
Normally, to play things on my Yamaha keyboard, I just set up the score with melody and chords, and the other tracks provide the "backup". This one song, I wanted to do something where I was just sitting in with a band and all of us are doing our "thing". For me, this is very, very difficult to put into score notation and also play. I can hear things in my mind but I can't put them down and execute them with the physical timing and notes on paper. I NEED Musical Notation and I am poor at improvising.
The file is a .not file containing 14 tracks. The part I play is "Honky Tonk Piano".
Thanks for letting me share this with you.

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