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Len 08-09-2010 09:08 AM

Copying Measures/Bars

One of the features of composer that I find very frustrating is copying measures from one part of a score to another. It's O.K. if its only a couple of bars but if it's say sixteen it is sometimes difficult to get all of the bars up on screen together in order to copy them.

What I would like to see is a menu item which allows you to enter the bars you want to copy and where you want to copy them to.


Sherry C 08-09-2010 11:59 AM

Re: Copying Measures/Bars
Hi Len,

There is a keyboard method for doing this, but it's not as intuitive as it should be.
What method would you want to see for doing this task? I'm asking because I do have a couple of ideas, but it's always good to get input from folks who use the program, because we want to know what you would expect to work :)

Now, the way it currently works is that you can use Region/Select a region, and put in the measure numbers for the region you want to copy. Then you can select the target Paste region the same way, or you can select a measure and then use Edit/Paste special/Insert region from clipboard if you're wanting to insert those copied measures as new measures somewhere.

Please do let me know your thoughts on how this feature could be smarter, and also if you have any further questions or problems.


Len 08-09-2010 02:50 PM

Re: Copying Measures/Bars

Thanks for your prompt reply Sherry.

Shortly after posting the query/request I was messing about and discovered how regions work.

I have been using Composer for about three years and it never occured to me what the regions command was for!!!

I thought that regions were something you had to set up.

The regions thing is confusing and In my opinion it would be more intuitive if the menu item was select measures instead of select regions, but as I say that's just my opinion.

All the best and thanks again.

Sherry C 08-10-2010 01:23 PM

Re: Copying Measures/Bars
Hi Len,

We would like to improve on the "regions" concept. It's a little complicated because a "region" can define just part of a measure, or just a few staves (out of a lot more) for specific parts of multiple measures.

We'll keep working on it, and if you or anyone else has ideas about it, please let us know!


jchall123 11-13-2011 07:24 PM

Re: Copying Measures/Bars
I didn't see any further suggestions here so I wasn't sure if this has been set or if you need more suggestions or not, but here goes my opinion.

I think selecting needs to be more consistent with other programs that people use to be more intuitive. I have two suggestions for how selecting multiple measures, when those measures are on two different pages on the screen.

1) The most intuitive would be to select the first measure and move your mouse to the bottom of the page, and then the score would smoothly scroll down so you could stop at the appropriate measure. This also works with the suggestion I saw about wanting smooth scrolling.


2) One way this is done in word processing software as well as selecting text in a webpage, would go something like this: First select the start measure of the region you want to select. Then use the "next page button" to view the end measure you want to select, then push and hold the "SHIFT" key and left click the final measure. This should select the first and last measure and everything in between.

Possible third way would be similar to number 1). You select the first measure and click and drag to the bottom of the page. If the mouse goes to (or past) the bottom of the page for more than 1 sec (approx) then have a pop up appear that asks for beginning and end measure. Hopefully the first measure will already be filled in.

Just some thoughts.

Sherry C 03-13-2012 10:15 AM

Re: Copying Measures/Bars

(Sorry for the lateness - I thought I had responded much earlier, but may have gotten interrupted before finishing the post.)

These are some good suggestions, and are now incorporated into the suggested changes for Region handling.


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