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Bernd Dellwig 02-19-2011 08:26 AM

Export Midi - chords lost
I am a (german) Entertainer with Tyros3 and I use Composer (2.6.3).
After "export midifile" to my PC (or Tyros3), all Chords are lost. What is my mistake?

dj 02-19-2011 11:46 AM

Re: Export Midi - chords lost
Hello, Bernd:

Do you mean the Chord Symbols above the score? Or do you mean a staff with chords (notes) in it?

Chord Symbols are not a part of the MIDI format -- they are a specific part of the Notation Composer file. If you export the file to .mid format, you will lose any special annotations and symbols. MIDI simply contains note on/note off, velocity and controller messages, no fancy notation information which is carried in Composer's .not file format.

If you mean you've lost actual notes in chords, then that's something deeper we'll have to investigate.


Bernd Dellwig 02-19-2011 01:27 PM

Re: Export Midi - chords lost
Hallo David,
thankyou very much. It was a very quickly answer!

I really mean the Chord Symbols above the score. Cause in another midi-program (Optimizer7 / midiland) the chordsymbols stay, although I transpose the midifile and exported it.

But now I know, that I did not make a mistake by working with the composer.
Thanks again!
Bernd Dellwig

Sherry C 02-19-2011 02:45 PM

Re: Export Midi - chords lost
Hi guys,

Some programs do export chord symbols as lyric text. The good part is that you get the chord symbols in the exported .mid file. The bad part is that the chord symbols are no longer musically linked to the notes, so if you transpose the file, the chord symbols no longer transpose also.

We do have it as a possible enhancement down the road to have the option to export chord symbols as lyric text in an exported .mid file.


NotationUser 02-19-2011 03:02 PM

Re: Export Midi - chords lost
I am not quite sure if the real answer is between both findings.

I think I remember there can be something in midi files that indeed represent cords on midi level as this can be used in arrangers like tyros to harmonize your voice for instance. But I am not sure if this is a proprietary feature probably just in XG or styles.

I don't own Midiland software but I know about it and it looks to be quite advanced when it comes to tweaking midi for entertainment purposes.

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