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Old 02-25-2009, 05:08 AM
Ian Douglas Graham (iandgraham)
Posts: n/a
Default Morning, Herbert "Pleas

Morning, Herbert

"Please identify and report any bug, you may come across, for the benefit of all Composer users."
Well, I think it's clear in this thread that something important is open to improvement, and that Sherry and Mark are 'listening'.

"Any inconsistency by Composer in processing a file would be a bug"
As with a previous post, you're being logical but perhaps not making enough allowance for the complexity of 'things'?
Given the number of variables involved in note attack and duration in a jazz piece, and the range of amounts by which they vary, and the relatively random (or extremely complex, depending on your take)'pattern' in which variations themselves occur, may it not be a question of tweaking, within Composer as is, if the controls are accessible to do so ?

Having slept on my 'conversation' with Sherry, I wake with two fresh perspectives.
One is the metaphor of 'focus', which relates to what I've just tried to say to you. The sound is right, the graphic notation sometimes is, sometimes isn't. Where it isn't, the 'focus' needs adjusting.
The other, following on, is that maybe it's asking too much ( certainly technologically, and may be in a wider sense philosophically) to expect that there can be a 'transcription options'-type setting / 'focus' that will immaculately transcribe the whole of a relatively complex (see above) line.
But if the 'knobs' (Mark's word) are accessible, it might be possible to take several passes so that every bar is appropriately transcribed in at least one pass, and it would then be possible to cut and paste a composite version which was entirely acceptable.


Ian G.
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