Thread: Bluegrass
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Old 09-10-2006, 04:35 PM
Fred Winterling (harbor1)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi MG, quote: It's astoun

Hi MG,
quote: It's astounding how easily you can segue from style to style and bring a sense of authenticity to each.

I have a good excuse. I have played in just about every type of band you can think of (except Bluegrass). It amazed me how easy it was. I just pretended it was a classical theme and put variations to it.

>: You can tell Patsy that if I were analyzing her work to a room full of students, I would use the word "genius" somewhere along the way.

She continues to insist I remove the word 'genius'. She is so modest.

BTW, I was only kidding, I really do keep my golf score. I just don't tell anybody how bad it is.

Yep, I believe Raven could have gotten me a refund! I have no worries about leaving my doors open with him around. I used to raise and train German Shepherds. I once had 17 at one time back home. I didn't lock my doors then, either.

>: After the bluegrass, what's next? Can't wait to find out

I dunno. How 'bout some heavy metal? hee, hee!
I really need to get back to the piano and write something pretty, but I haven't been in that kind of mood lately. Maybe I should play my acoustic piano more. I've gotten so lazy with this keyboard.

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