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Old 11-02-2017, 11:17 AM
dj dj is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Balderson, Ontario, Canada, 100 kms (60 miles) from Ottawa
Posts: 812
Default Re: Full Screen at Startup

Hi, Ralph:

I don't see that behaviour with either the 3.0.6 full release or the beta (currently 116). Both open maximized for me.

If I reduce the size of the window manually, then close Composer and re-start it, then the window size returns at the size that I've reduced it to.

If I then maximize the window, close Composer and re-start it, I get a maximized window.

I know you wouldn't miss something as obvious as that, so I'm wondering about a registery flag.

My registery has two possibly related flags: Window State and WindowAndToolBarPositions.

Window State has three entries:
Default: REG_SZ value not set
TrackSetupColsV2 REG_SZ 18,149,46,40,35,35,25,25,104,38,104,182
TrackSetupDlgPos REG_SZ 561,140,951,795

WindowAndToolBarPositions has:
Default: REG_SZ value not set
MidiConfigWindowPos: REG_SZ 0,1,0,833,-1,-1,-8-,-8,1448,868
WindowPos: REG_SZ 0,1,01,01,01,01,08,08,1688,1018

I have a feeling that last is the one that determines startup window size. (Reinhold, please correct me if I'm wrong.)

With Composer maximized when you shut it down, how does your registery compare (that last one in particular)?

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