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Old 02-19-2011, 03:53 AM
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Default HUGE prob. putting effects on sounds - help!

Dear Anyone.

I have Quick Score Elite Level 2, but if anyone's had any experience of anything similar to this problem, I'm accepting ANY answers right now!

I'll go through what I do in stages so you can spot where I'm going wrong!

In QSE Level 2, when you choose a VST, you have 2 choices. You can assign it to a channel (1-16) or to All Channels. Keep that thought in mind for 2 paragraphs!

So. I select a multi-sound VST, I have Proteus VX and Sampletank 2.5 with Miroslav Orchestra. For argument's sake I'll just use Proteus, though this applies to either. I select - for example - 5 sounds in Proteus. Each one comes up on a separate stave. And each one has a separate slider in the sound file window. So far, so pretty. Here's the problem.

NONE OF THE SLIDERS DO ANYTHING - apart from the one with the actual synth. on. Which means I can't add effects - EQ etc. - to the individual sounds, only to the channel with the complete synthesizer on it. Which means I can only add the SAME effect to ALL the sounds at once. Which is obviously dumbass - I'm EQ'ing them all in exactly the same way (for example). I can slide the individual sliders up and down, the volume doesn't change. Add effects to the individual instrument sliders, nothing happens.

BUT - I know the sliders are doing SOMETHING because if I click the SOLO button on any ONE of them, ALL the sounds go silent! Not just the one that's nominally on that particular slider, ALL of them.

Back to Paragraph One. The first time this happened, I thought it was because I had ALL the sounds on ALL CHANNELS, not on individual channels, so the solo command was applied to all the sounds on all the channels simultaneously - seemed logical and I couldn't find anything much in the manual about this problem - not that I could relate to the problem anyway, remember I'm a Nightmare Noob! So I tried putting each synth on its own channel, that didn't make any difference at all. Because I can't add individual effects to individual sounds, I can't mix anything! All my mixing things (EQ, Compression etc.) are all plug-ins, too.

Please, does anyone know if it's possible to select a bunch of sounds from ONE INSTANCE of a vst and add effects to them and, if it is, what it is I'm doing wrong? Why the sliders aren't working for me? Because I've got Miroslav Orchestra, I can't load multiple instances of Sampletank - I'd have to have a complete orchestra in each instance just to use one instrument and I don't have that much memory. And Proteus VX flat doesn't like being loaded twice, the website warns you against that, potential device driver conflicts.

All suggestions will be tried out - this prob's annoying beyond belief!

Yours hopefully

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Old 02-19-2011, 04:31 AM
herbert herbert is offline
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Default Re: HUGE prob. putting effects on sounds - help!

Hi ulrichburke,

How does "" software fit into your setup?

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Old 02-19-2011, 04:48 AM
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Default Re: HUGE prob. putting effects on sounds - help!

Dear Herbert.

Quick Score Elite IS notation software - you put the notes on the staves with the mouse! I couldn't find a QSE forum so I did a GOOGLE for a general notation software forum and got directed here.

Sorry, I should have made that clearer in the original post. QSE Elite Level 2 is definitely notation software - you just put the notes in place with the mouse. I can't use keyboards or anything because I'm disabled, you see.

Yours respectfully

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Old 02-19-2011, 05:11 AM
herbert herbert is offline
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Default Re: HUGE prob. putting effects on sounds - help!

Dear Ulrich,

There are many companies supplying notation software. Each notation software company provides products that have their own specific rules. It would be best if you contact QSE first to get answers to your specific problems.

Best wishes,

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Old 02-19-2011, 10:57 AM
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Default Re: HUGE prob. putting effects on sounds - help!

Dear Herbert.

This IS a forum for users of notation software in general, non-company-specific, as its name implies, isn't it? QSE doesn't have a forum and nobody in their company, which is based in Canada, seems to speak English much. That's why I thought a general notation-users forum might be able to throw some light on the problem - if others have either used the software, or similar, they might be able to tell or show me what I'm doing wrong.

That's all my thinking was. Why don't you think that would be the case?

Yours puzzledly

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Old 02-19-2011, 11:55 AM
dj dj is offline
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Default Re: HUGE prob. putting effects on sounds - help!

Hello, Ulrich:

Actually, this is forum for users of software by Notation Software Inc., makers of Notation Composer and Notation Musician.

I don't think anyone here knows much about Quick Score Elite. I'm a Canadian and hadn't heard of it until I scooted over just now and had a look.

Without knowing anything about the software, I suggest that, having set the VST to ALL CHANNELS, attempting to manipulate one set of sliders is being overridden by the rest that are assigned to the voice.

Possibly not, as I don't know the software.

Kind of odd that Quick Score doesn't have a forum.

Good luck,

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Old 02-19-2011, 01:16 PM
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Default I didn't realise that....!!

Dear David.

I thought as it just said Notation Software Forum, it was a forum for any kind of Notation Software. I didn't realise there was actually a COMPANY called Notation Software! I just did a GOOGLE for forums about notation software and this, of course, is what it came up with.

My mistake, but a little understandable, no?

I think you're on the right tracks with your answer, but you might be able to help me a little more, just because you know notation software. If, on your notation software, you assigned a VST to an individual channel and you didn't hear any sounds coming out, what would be the reason, or reasons for that (might be the same in QSE, I HAVE read my legally-acquired manual, I just don't know enough to know what I'm looking for in it!)

Secondly, if you've got a multi-instrument VST, do you assign each INSTRUMENT to its own channel, or just the VST itself to an individual channel (assuming you've solved the 'no sound coming out' problem)

I know you don't know QSE, just answer as if it's one of your programs you do know - assuming they use channels - and I'll see if the answers work with mine!

Basically, I'm just trying to get my MIDI virtual 'wiring' straight so I've got the right things connected in the right places to make the right circuit to get the right results!! I know I'm all mouse, no keyboard, but yours is the closest to sounding the right answer that I've come across yet.

Yours with thanks in advance


Last edited by ulrichburke; 02-19-2011 at 01:25 PM.
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Old 02-19-2011, 02:31 PM
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Default Re: HUGE prob. putting effects on sounds - help!

Hi Ulrich,

As David mentioned, this forum is for users of Notation Composer, Notation Musician, and Notation Player.

There are a number of other notation applications out there, and each of them has various settings and such for VST instruments or other ways to connect sounds to the notation score. Please do check to see if there's a forum for your particular software. You'll get much better help that way

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Old 02-19-2011, 03:04 PM
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Default Re: HUGE prob. putting effects on sounds - help!

p.s. Even though the software company may not have an official support forum, they may have a "user forum" that is for users to help each other out.

Music is to the soul like water is to green growing things.
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