Editing Arpeggios

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Editing Arpeggios

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An arpeggio is a chord whose notes are played in rapid succession rather than together. An arpeggio symbol is a short-hand notation for indicating that the succession of notes accumulate as tied notes to form a chord held for some duration. The arpeggio chord notes are usually played starting at the lowest note and ending at the highest note. But the notes can be played in the reverse direction, starting at the highest note. Two different arpeggio symbols distinguish the direction of the "rolled" chord.


In the Ornament Palette, the buttons for the two types of arpeggios look like this:

editing_arpeggios and editing_arpeggios1.

The following general procedures apply to the editing of arpeggios:

B816Adding Ornaments. The Adding Ornaments procedure explains how you can specify the duration of the arpeggio members, such as 32nd notes or 16th triplets.
B816Converting Written-Out Performances to Ornaments.
B816Reverting Ornaments to Written-Out Performances.
B816Deleting an Ornament.
B816Viewing and the Written-Out Performance of Ornaments.

prcarrow To change the type of arpeggio.

1.Select the arpeggio symbol in the score.
2.Click the editing_arpeggios2 or editing_arpeggios3 button in the Ornament Palette to change the arpeggio symbol.

-- OR --

Type "au" or "ad" for upward or downward arpeggio.

Composer will change not only the symbol but also the performance of the arpeggio.