Joining Measures

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Joining Measures

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By removing a barline, you can join two measures. The meter of the resulting new measure will have a total number of beats equal to the sum of the beats of the two measures.

For example, the barline between these two measures will be removed:


This is the result after the barline is removed:


The meter of the two measures before the barline was removed was 3:4. The meter of the resulting joined measure is 6:4, which is the sum of the 3:4 and 3:4 meters.

prcarrow To join two measures:

1.Mouse over the bar line and click it to select it when it turns red.
OR enter Select Mode then select the barline between the two measures by dragging the mouse across it horizontally.

    Composer will highlight the selected barline in the color blue.

2.Hit the DelKey key to remove the barline.

    -- OR --

    Choose the Remove Barline command in the Barline Menu.