Moving a Text Object

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Moving a Text Object

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Two of Composer's five types of text objects can be freely moved around on the page: free text and page text.

The positions for the other three types of text-- lyrics, chord names, and rehearsal marks, are automatically determined by Composer in order, for example, to vertically align multiple objects of the same type. If you find it too confining that a given lyric, chord name, or rehearsal mark cannot be freely moved, then you might want to replace it with a free text object that can be freely moved.

You can move a free text or page text object either by dragging it with the mouse, or by selecting it and using the arrow keys on your keyboard.

prcarrow To move a free text or page text object by dragging it with the mouse:

1.Click the text object you want to move.

The text will be highlighted in blue to show that it is selected. A red HandleSmalleRedBox handle will be displayed at the top left corner of the text:


2.Click the mouse on the HandleSmalleRedBox handle, and while holding down the mouse button, drag the text to a new position.

prcarrow To move a free text or page text object by using the arrow keys on your keyboard:

1.Click the text object you want to move.
2.Type the Up, Down, Left, or RightArrowKey keys one or more times to move the text.