ReBar: Correcting the Barlines for Files Recorded Without a Metronome.

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ReBar: Correcting the Barlines for Files Recorded Without a Metronome.

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Sometimes you may find a file that was recorded, or you may want to record a new song, without the constraints of a metronome. Notation Composer's Rebar feature allows you to get excellent sheet music from such  "metronomeless recording" files, while preserving the performance nuances of such files.

With Composer's Rebar feature, you can:

Play the song and then tap in the downbeats for each bar in the file.   Composer then uses your recorded downbeat to correct the placement of the barlines in the song so that the notation will be properly transcribed for easy reading and playing.  

Use the "Beat zoom" to tap in individual beats for  measures that have pronounced tempo changes, giving finer resolution for the notation transcription.

Composer preserves the nuances of the song's performance by keeping track of the performed tempos throughout the rebar process.  This is a great way to create backing tracks that feel "live" and have the sheet music to go along with them.  

Get sheet music for MIDI (.mid) files you find that have a great performance, but were recorded without reference to a metronome.   Such song files will have a much more "live" feel to them than one that is locked in with a metronome, and can be used for accompaniment tracks or other live performance opportunities.


Using the Rebar feature, you can start with a song file that looks like this:



And turn it into this:




The topics in the following sections of the Users Guide will help you get quality sheet music while maintaining the fine performance of your song files.


How to determine if you have a "Metronomeless" file

Summary of Steps for Correcting Barlines Using the Rebar Feature

Using the Rebar Tools to Correct Barlines (a detailed explanation of the process)