Recovering an Interrupted Recording

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Recovering an Interrupted Recording

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Suppose you have recorded three minutes of an inspirational improvisation, but upon completion of the recording your system is interrupted or Composer abnormally terminates for some reason. There is a good chance that you will be able to recover your recording. Composer saves your most recent recording as a temporary MIDI file before Composer attempts to transcribe it to notation.

prcarrow To recover your most recent recording:

1.In the File menu, choose the Open command.
2.In the File Open dialog, navigate to the C:\Users\Public\Documents\Notation_5\Songs directory.
3.Open the file named recordng.mid. Note that this filename is intentionally missing the letter "i" in "recording".
4.If you wish to save this recording, save it as a Notation .not file.
5.If this recording was a new staff for a song, or part of an existing staff, copy the notes from the recording to the clipboard, and then paste them into the song you were working on (that song can be recovered using the File/"Open files from automatic backup" command). For details, see Using the Clipboard.