How to Save Effort if You Rearrange Your MIDI Equipment Often

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How to Save Effort if You Rearrange Your MIDI Equipment Often

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If you have two or more external input and output MIDI devices, then there are a variety of ways that you might physically configure them. Each different way that you physically configure your MIDI devices usually requires a different setup in Musician. Or, more specifically, each different physical configuration requires a different arrangement of MIDI ports and devices in the MIDI Device Configuration Window.

To spare you the inconvenience of rearranging your configuration every time you rearrange your equipment, Musician enables you to save alternative configurations in the MIDI Device Configuration Window.

The options available to you for managing alternative MIDI device configurations are all offered in the Config menu of the MIDI Device Configuration Window. Commands in the Config menu include: Initialize, New, Clone To, and Select. For details, see Managing Alternative MIDI Device Configurations.