You can use a song template to quickly apply page text to newly opened MIDI files or to reopened Notation .not files.. See the description of the Format Part Using Template command in the Format menu.
A song template is kept in a special directory, which is typically C:\Users\Public\Documents\Notation_5\Templates.
To create a song template:
1. | Open a song file that has the formatting that you want to apply to other songs. |
3. | Save the song as a Notation (.not) file in the C:\Users\Public\Documents\Notation_5\Templates directory. |
To edit an existing song template:
1. | Use the Open command in the File menu, and choose a template (.not) file in the C:\Users\Public\Documents\Notation_5\Templates directory. |
2. | Edit the page text in the template file. |
3. | Save the template (.not) file using the Save command in the File menu. |