Starting and Stopping Playback

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Starting and Stopping Playback

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The starting_and_stopping_pl playback location marker indicates where playback will begin when you hit the SPACE key.

You can also start playback at the beginning of the current list of selected notes and rests, or at the beginning of the current region selection, by holding down the SHIFT key when you hit the SPACE key. This feature is quite handy when you have added or edited some notes. You can immediately hear the notes you are working with. If you want to start the playback a few beats before the notes you are working with, then hit the LeftArrowKey key a few times, before hitting SHIFT+SPACE, to select some previous notes.

prcarrow To start playback at the starting_and_stopping_pl1 playback location marker:

1.Hit the SPACE key.

-- OR --

2.Click the Play starting_and_stopping_pl2 button in the toolbar at the top of the window.

-- OR --

3.If you have enabled Composer's Pitch-to-Command feature, while holding down the "trigger key" on your music keyboard, play the first F# above Middle C. See Controlling Composer From Your Keyboard.

prcarrow To start playback at the current selection of noteheads and rests, or the current selection region:

B817Type SHIFT+SPACE. That is, while holding down the SHIFT key, hit the SPACE key.

If some noteheads or rests are selected, and a region is also selected, Composer starts playback at the first of the noteheads or rests rather than at the start of the region.

prcarrow To stop playback:

1.Hit the SPACE key.

-- OR --

2.Click the Stop starting_and_stopping_pl3 button in the toolbar at the top of the window.

-- OR --

3.Toggle the Play starting_and_stopping_pl4 button in the toolbar at the top of the window.

-- OR --

4.If you have enabled Composer's Pitch-to-Command feature, while holding down the "trigger key" on your music keyboard, play the first F# above Middle C. See Controlling Composer From Your Keyboard.