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Why does Composer have a problem opening the Templates?

There is sometimes a problem with Windows if a user doesn't have the right "permissions" settings for a folder. You will need to be sure that your user name on your machine has "full control" settings for the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\Notation_X\Templates\ (X = major version number)

To check this, you can right-click the Windows Start button, and select Explore.

1. On the left panel, you will see the directory for your computer.
2. Find the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\Notation_X\Templates\
3. Right-click the folder name. A menu will be displayed.
4. In the menu, select Properties. The Notation Properties dialog box will be displayed.
5. In the dialog box, click the Security table.
6. At the Security tab, for Group or User Name, select your Windows Vista username.
7. Also at the Security tab, for Permissions, choose Full Control.
8. Enter OK to finish the dialog box.

If the above does not solve the problem, please let us know at https://www.notation.com/KB_Communication.php