Customizing Colors in Musician

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Customizing Colors in Musician

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You can easily change the overall color scheme in Musician, and also the colors using for highlight the music during playback.


prcarrow To change the overall color scheme:

1.Choose the Color Theme command in the Setup menu.

Musician will display the Color Theme window:


2.In the list at the bottom of the window, choose one of the standard color themes pre-defined by Musician.
-- OR --
Change the background color, used for the background of palettes and windows, or the button color (of buttons in palette), by selecting clicking a color "of the rainbow" at the bottom of the color palette, and then selecting a shade of the color in the main portion of the color palette.
You can immediately preview your color selection by observing Musician's palettes and menus.  
3.Click the OK button to save the new color theme, or Cancel to return to the most recent color theme.


prcarrow To change the colors used to highlight the score during playback:

1.Choose the Playback Highlighting Options in the Perform menu.
2.In the Playback Highlight Options dialog, choose the colors that are used during playback: