You can use Musician as a tool for practicing on your instrument or with your voice in several ways:
| Play along with your acoustic instrument, or sing along, as you read the notes from your part on the screen. |
| Let Musician play the accompaniment for other instruments. |
| Slow down the tempo when you are first learning the music. |
| Temporarily increase the font size of the notes so that you can comfortably read them. |
| Turn off the volume (that is, "mute") the part that you are performing, so that only your "live" performance is heard. |
| Let Musician automatically turn pages for you. |
| Set up practice loops. You can specify: |
-- the number of lead-in measures
-- the range of measures in the loop, or the starting and ending rehearsal marks
-- how many times the loop should repeat
-- how much the tempo should increase in each repeated loop